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Mk, I'll look into that. And definitely. That's one of the things i'll be working on next...
Private Sub SaveFile() Handles SaveToolStripButton.Click, SaveToolStripMenuItem.Click If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentFilePath) Then SaveFileRoutine(CurrentFilePath) Else If SaveTIFile.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then SaveFileRoutine(SaveTIFile.FileName) UpdateInfo(1) = SaveTIFile.FileName UpdateInfo(2) = "1" End If End If End Sub Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click() Handles SaveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click If SaveTIFile.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then SaveFileRoutine(SaveTIFile.FileName) UpdateInfo(1) = SaveTIFile.FileName UpdateInfo(2) = "1" End If End Sub Private Function SaveFileRoutine(ByVal FilePath As String) Dim FileBytes(1048576) As Byte Dim FileBytesCounter1 As Integer = 0 Dim y As Integer Dim CurrentByte As String Dim CurrentString As String = "" Dim SecondByte As String Dim TempContents As String = ProgramContents(CurrentFileNumber) While True If InStr(TempContents, vbCrLf) Then TempContents = Mid(TempContents, 1, InStr(TempContents, vbCrLf) - 1) + "{vbCrLf}" + Mid(TempContents, InStr(TempContents, vbCrLf) + 2, TempContents.Length - InStr(TempContents, vbCrLf)) Else Exit While End If End While For x As Integer = 1 To TempContents.Length y = 15 SecondByte = "" CurrentHex = Mid(TempContents, x, y) CurrentByte = myTITools.TokenToHex(CurrentHex, SecondByte) While CurrentByte = "" SecondByte = "" CurrentHex = Mid(TempContents, x, y) CurrentByte = myTITools.TokenToHex(CurrentHex, SecondByte) If y < 1 Then MsgBox("Invalid Character Detected!" & vbCrLf & """" & CurrentHex & """" & vbCrLf & "is not recognized as a usable token for the TI 83+/84+ Series of calculators.") FileBytesCounter1 -= 1 GoTo Skip End If y -= 1 End While If SecondByte = "" Then FileBytes(74 + FileBytesCounter1) = cInteger(CurrentByte) Else FileBytes(74 + FileBytesCounter1) = cInteger(CurrentByte) FileBytes(75 + FileBytesCounter1) = cInteger(SecondByte) FileBytesCounter1 += 1 End IfSkip: FileBytesCounter1 += 1 x += y Next '**TI83F* FileBytes(0) = 42 FileBytes(1) = 42 FileBytes(2) = 84 FileBytes(3) = 73 FileBytes(4) = 56 FileBytes(5) = 51 FileBytes(6) = 70 FileBytes(7) = 42 '1A,0A,00 FileBytes(8) = 26 FileBytes(9) = 10 FileBytes(10) = 0 'Comment FileComment(CurrentFileNumber).PadRight(42) For x As Integer = 0 To 41 FileBytes(x + 11) = AscW(FileComment(CurrentFileNumber).Chars(x)) Next 'Data Size If FileBytesCounter1 + 19 > 255 Then Dim TempHex = cHex(FileBytesCounter1 + 19, 4) FileBytes(54) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 1, 2)) FileBytes(53) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 3, 2)) Else FileBytes(54) = 0 FileBytes(53) = FileBytesCounter1 + 19 End If 'Random Flag (either B or D) FileBytes(55) = 13 FileBytes(56) = 0 'Variable Size If FileBytesCounter1 + 2 > 255 Then Dim TempHex = cHex(FileBytesCounter1 + 2, 4) FileBytes(58) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 1, 2)) FileBytes(57) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 3, 2)) Else FileBytes(58) = 0 FileBytes(57) = FileBytesCounter1 + 2 End If 'Type ID FileBytes(59) = 5 'Name FileName(CurrentFileNumber).PadRight(8) For x As Integer = 0 To 7 FileBytes(60 + x) = AscW(FileName(CurrentFileNumber).Chars(x)) Next 'Version FileBytes(68) = 0 'Archived FileBytes(69) = 0 'Variable Size Again If FileBytesCounter1 + 2 > 255 Then Dim TempHex = cHex(FileBytesCounter1 + 2, 4) FileBytes(71) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 1, 2)) FileBytes(70) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 3, 2)) Else FileBytes(71) = 0 FileBytes(70) = FileBytesCounter1 + 2 End If 'Total Token Count If FileBytesCounter1 > 255 Then Dim TempHex = cHex(FileBytesCounter1, 4) FileBytes(73) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 1, 2)) FileBytes(72) = cInteger(Mid(TempHex, 3, 2)) Else FileBytes(73) = 0 FileBytes(72) = FileBytesCounter1 End If 'Totals data Dim Counter = 0 For x As Integer = 0 To FileBytesCounter1 + 19 Counter += FileBytes(x + 55) Next 'Lower 16 bits of data totalled together If Hex(Counter).Length > 4 Then Counter = cInteger(Mid(cHex(Counter, 4), cHex(Counter, 4).Length - 4, 4)) If Counter > 255 Then FileBytes(FileBytesCounter1 + 75) = cInteger(Mid(cHex(Counter, 4), 1, 2)) FileBytes(FileBytesCounter1 + 74) = cInteger(Mid(cHex(Counter, 4), 3, 2)) Else FileBytes(FileBytesCounter1 + 75) = 0 FileBytes(FileBytesCounter1 + 74) = Counter End If Dim FinalBytes(FileBytesCounter1 + 75) As Byte For x As Integer = 0 To FileBytesCounter1 + 75 FinalBytes(x) = FileBytes(x) Next File.WriteAllBytes(FilePath, FinalBytes) CurrentBytes = FileBytes End Function