Author Topic: TFE - The TI File Editor  (Read 12773 times)

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TFE - The TI File Editor
« on: June 07, 2011, 03:27:07 am »
Scroll down for the latest version...

Third time is a charm, eh?  If this one ends up failing, and by that I mean no one wants or uses it, I don't mean because it sucks and I stop developing it like the other two, then TFE is over =\ But w/e, I could spend so many paragraphs saying how this version is better, and how I built it correctly, etc, but you don't care, you just want to see the project.  In fact, I'll bet most of the people reading this haven't even seen the original two.  If you haven't, here's a tip: DO NOT LOOK THEM UP OR EVER THINK ABOUT THEM AGAIN.  Okay, am I done talking pointlessly?  Yeah, I think I am, here we go... Ignore all that, I write too much.

TFE (AKA TI File Editor)
TFE is an IDE for programming 83/84 calculators on your PC.  It's about 50-60% of what I would like the final product to be. I plan on supporting all TI-83/84 file types eventually, but for now it allows editing and creation of programs and pictures.

Program Editor Features:
-Sytax highlighting
-Axe differentiation
-Custom token definitions - Do things like redifine → as -> if you dont like using quick key etc.
Code: [Select]
Custom token definitions:
Look for the $home/.tfe/ directory on your computer.  This is where TFE looks for token sets.  There should be a file called config.txt.  This is a list of all the custom token sets it should load.  The syntax is as follows:

[file name] [token set name]
test.tokens "Just for kicks"

The token set declaration is a bit more complicated.  It basically consists of finding which tokens you don't like being as they are by default and redefining them.
There are two ways to currently do this, replacing based on existing token, and replacing based on number.  Which is easier just depends on the token.

(If the first line is "AXE", the highlighter will use axe highlighting with this token set)
(Number replacement) 0:[first byte]|[second byte]|[new token]
(Name replacement) 1:[original token]|[new token]

Except loading new token sets, any other change will be reflected if you switch tokens without restarting the program.
-Label finder - Ctrl-Click a goto or a sub in axe to go to the matching label
-"Quick Keys" - basically shortcuts for common TI Symbols.  Here's the current list:
Code: [Select]
Ctl-Shift-S - →
Ctl-Shift-T - θ
Ctl-Shift-P - π
Ctl-Shift-L - ˪
Ctl-Shift-E - ℯ
Ctl-Shift-X - ᴇ
Ctl-Shift-R - ʳ
Ctl-Shift-Left - ◄
Ctl-Shift-Right - ►
Ctl-Shift-< - ≤
Ctl-Shift-> - ≥
Ctl-Shift-= - ≠
Ctl-Shift-- - ­(negative)
Ctl-Shift-(1-0) - (₁-₀)
UnrealHelper - A very simple code hints tool, which may be improved over time, Ctrl-H to toggle

Picture Editor Features:
-Toggleable grid (Ctrl-G)
-Resizable brush (Scroll or -= keys)
-Selections for cut/copy/pasting (Press s for selection mode, p for drawing mode)
-Moving selections
-Edit history

Other Features:
-Data converter - Dump the raw data from files on your computer into .8xv files.

Yeah, doesn't look like much, huh?  I do plan on adding a lot of picture editing tools eventually, but it works and that is enough for now :P
As this is the first release, I expect a lot of bugs. I mean, I've only had like 2-3 people test it so far.  Please tell any you find to me!!!! Things I expect, so I don't need so be informed of, are tokens not showing up correctly.  Honestly, this is mostly a release to find a lot of the bugs and get feedback about what's missing or what needs to be added in general.  There are still some menial tasks that i've been doing just a little at a time which aren't finished, fixing all the tokens being one of them.  That's basically what I'll be doing till the next version, plus fixing bugs =\  Anyways, enough talking, try it! go for it! DOITNAO! =P Oh, did I mention it's in java, not .NET this time? :D OKAYOKAYI'MSORRYFORMYLONGPOSTS /me runs
« Last Edit: May 26, 2012, 07:17:04 pm by cooliojazz »
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TI File Editor Progress: Remade in java like a boss. 50% we'll call it? IDK =P
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Re: TFE - For the last time, I swear!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2011, 03:31:37 am »
I'Ll have to test this when I get some time. I'M glad you picked it up again. Also if you need help feel free to ask in the java section.

Offline Munchor

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« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2011, 01:19:19 pm »
I just tried it and it looks very good, is it TI-Basic tokens or Axe?

Note: I'll describe more of it later, I have to go now.

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« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2011, 01:25:52 pm »
Although I don't have it set to continuously watch for it, it will recognize and use Axe tokens and highlighting (things like comments or data blocks etc) if it has the axe header when you open it.  That is something I should add in the next version, continuos checking... Shouldn't be hard at all =)
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TI File Editor Progress: Remade in java like a boss. 50% we'll call it? IDK =P
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« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2011, 03:10:23 pm »
I wonder how hard this would be, but it would be nice if there was a way to automatically run Axe programs into Wabbitemu after saving, if the person chooses that option. Not sure how hard this would be to send commands to the emu, however. Also this might be harder for games that has multiple files, if your editor doesn't support projects.

Also maybe it would be nice to have missing/extra End commands detection warnings. :D

Offline cooliojazz

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« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2011, 07:25:51 pm »
Okay, added the check for axe "continuously" and finished the rest of the 722 tokens, also added label highlighting. :)  I should make it so if you click a label name, it goes to the declaration... Hmm... Anyways... DJ, I was thinking of something like that, a run button that you could press and it would send it to wabbitemu.  I could probably do that... Also, if someone ever mad an on computer Axe compiler, I think it would be cool to just have a compile button in the IDE =)
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TI File Editor Progress: Remade in java like a boss. 50% we'll call it? IDK =P
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« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2011, 05:20:22 pm »
Okay, one more update.  I changed it so it should look more "native", I think it should work on most platforms, I don't really know, but I hope :P Also, I added copy and pasting selections in the picture editor, (Switch between modes with "s" and "p") and added a window list menu, like there should be.  Lastly, I added a "settings" dialog so you can set the (Oh so useless) file comment and set the program name or picture number. Yeah, I think that's all... Feedback is useful! Kthxbye.
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TI File Editor Progress: Remade in java like a boss. 50% we'll call it? IDK =P
Java Libraries: JIRC - 90% JTIF - 5%
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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2011, 05:22:54 pm »
I don't think there'sa  compiler yet since Axe isn't complete, but hopefully when 1.0 comes out there will be one.

Also nice to see updates :)

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« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2011, 05:27:37 pm »
That would be nice :D  And I probably won't update it now for a while, I have other things I'd like to work on, and this is getting decent, so I feel like I can leave it for a bit.  Unless there's big bugs or something.  Then I'll fix those ASAP ;)
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TI File Editor Progress: Remade in java like a boss. 50% we'll call it? IDK =P
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« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2011, 06:11:00 pm »
Okay newer version (1.4), I added things like moving selections, a token list, and quite a few random bug fixes (Error: NullPointerException is my favorite thing ever! =P)
I even have a screenshot, cause I know how much you guys love ss =P

Updated info list:

For the pic editor:
press p for painting mode
press s for selection mode
press m for moving mode
press ctrl-g to toggle grid

In general:
obviously ctrl-(xcz) for cut/copy/paste in anything

Also, I forgot to mention, the program is the first one i could find in the forums, some doodlejump clone by somebody =P
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 06:16:45 pm by cooliojazz »
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TI File Editor Progress: Remade in java like a boss. 50% we'll call it? IDK =P
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Nomcraft, a Bukkit mod
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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2011, 06:13:59 pm »
Oh I like the drawing tool idea. I should check this when I have some time, although sadly I don't code anymore. By the way the syntax highlighting is even better now and an idea I got if not implemented already is the ability to choose our colors.

Offline Munchor

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« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2011, 06:23:31 pm »
Woo, fancy syntax highlighter :) Looking very good cooliojazz :)

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« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2011, 02:22:23 am »
TFE v1.5

New Stuff:

Pic Editor:
-Fill, press F to use. Yes the flood fill glitches sometimes, sorry
-History! Which is useful. (Ctrl-Z Obviously)
-Text tool coming eventually! (You can play with it with T, Enter to exit, but its not terribly useful atm with how glitchy it is still)

Program Editor:
-"Quick Keys", basically shortcuts for common TI Symbols.  Here's the current list:
Code: [Select]
Ctl-Shift-S - →
Ctl-Shift-T - θ
Ctl-Shift-P - π
Ctl-Shift-L - ˪
Ctl-Shift-E - ℯ
Ctl-Shift-X - ᴇ
Ctl-Shift-Left - ◄
Ctl-Shift-Right - ►
Ctl-Shift-< - ≤
Ctl-Shift-> - ≥
Ctl-Shift-= - ≠
Ctl-Shift-- - ­(negative)
Ctl-Shift-(1-0) - (₁-₀)
-A Goto feature; Ctl-click on the label names of goto statements in basic or axe, of the function names in sub(NAME) format in axe to have it scroll to that label
-Couple highlighting updates (eg highlighting the NAME in axe sub(NAME) as a label)
-Possible code helper feature! (like your common IDE intelli-sense feature) Not even close to being useful, but press Ctl-I to toggle and play with it

And of course more random bug fixes!
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TI File Editor Progress: Remade in java like a boss. 50% we'll call it? IDK =P
Java Libraries: JIRC - 90% JTIF - 5%
TI Projects: Unreal Notator - -5000%
Nomcraft, a Bukkit mod
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« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2011, 02:56:48 pm »
TFE v1.6

New Stuff:

-Custom token sets.  Allows for custom definitions of tokens, eg for axe.  This replaces the old method I was using for having basic and axe syntaxes and adds the ability for anything!  Right now there are just the default and axe (each with a "web standard" version which has some of the more common ways of writing special tokens eg -> for →, help with expanding the current list would be appreciated) but next version I will probably be adding a way to load custom syntaxes.  Of course if you really want to, you can open up the jar and edit the 4 current ones, but... :P
-Intellisense type feature (dubbed "Unreal Helper") almost complete. Turn on and off with Ctrl-H, will automatically pop-up as you start typing tokens.
-Added a program menu which appears when editing programs which has the token switcher list (and yes, it actually changes it in the program when you switch sytaxes) and the token list
-Finished assigning a "token type" to every token for highlighting and Unreal Helper and additionally added 3 more token types
-File location in the tile bar! Sooooo exciting! XP

Planned Stuff (Probably):
-Fix the d*** font! It is really annoying me... :P
-Loading custom token definitions, and adding token type definitions for custom handling into the file
-Custom highlight colors

And a demo thing!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 03:23:00 pm by cooliojazz »
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TI File Editor Progress: Remade in java like a boss. 50% we'll call it? IDK =P
Java Libraries: JIRC - 90% JTIF - 5%
TI Projects: Unreal Notator - -5000%
Nomcraft, a Bukkit mod
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« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2011, 11:53:08 pm »
Cool to see this is still alive. :) I'll check your video out and try this version when I have some time. :)