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Topic: The future of this project (Read 6836 times)
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DJ Omnimaga
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The future of this project
May 20, 2006, 09:16:00 am »
Some of you might know i usually finish my projects much faster than this, unfortunately I dunno how long anymore it will take to finish SMSD. I know it will be finished, someday, but I can't set a release anymore. I was planning last week, but its past, I still have lot to do yet.
I would like to let you know what's going on though and why progress is so slow (altough it might not seems slow for most ppl, its just that I used to code much more before)
-Right now I have 12 songs included, I have two working game modes (smash dance with items and short songs and classic ddr mode) and there is a 3rd one planned
-I am planning to have only this in the first version. I dunno if the 3rd mode will be avaliable in it.
-I dunno if I'll have song compression yet, I'll see, but its not for first version for sure
-I still have the game mode select screen to do with splash screen. Note: it will be nothing hi tech like XXR, just enough to do the work
that should sum up how is the game so far. I must warn you besides game play the rest might not be as good looking as XXR, its just that I am not really feeling like spending weeks doing graphical stuff right now. Now for why the game take that longer to be completed:
I haven't talked about this much, even in my long post on the old forums and Maxcoderz forums a few months ago, only tr1p1ea know about it I think, but I felt like I would let you know about it, because I think most ppl probably dont understand how I react to stuff and why so and what's going on in my mind and I think I have been hurting lot of ppl with this as well. But this is something I have been living with since I am born, and just went worse about 8 years ago. Some of you might see part of this as a quality. While it might be somewhat a quality it's not easy at all for me to live with this, its really not easy at all.
Actually I am different from you guys, I am not a normal person. I have never be diagnosticed by any doctor as crazy or anything mental related in my whole life, but I feel it. I feel I have something different than most of you and I am different. I am much more sensitive than normal, as you might have noticed, anything slightly negative or any complains can make me overeact and become very mad (I often end up flaming people then). On top of that I have serious self control problems. Whenever I am upset i am not myself anymore and I can do pretty nasty stuff, then when I become myself again after an hour or so I realize what I just done. This makes me feel even worse about myself. Most recent examples (in the past 2-3 months) of my self control breakdowns are those
-Keeping putting Omnimaga offline all the time, and ending up Deleting the whole Omnimaga board from invisionfree via admin CP on its 2nd birthday
-Spamming TICALCS2 forums with a rant posted in every sub forums, except bfr's and Michael's
-Deleting Omnimaga channel (that was today this afternoon), ppl still can access it but we dont have anymore powers here so anybody can take over the channel
There might be more of those, but I could also show you some stuff from the previous years as well
One of my biggest problem due to my extreme sensitiveness is that when I see a bad comment, a complain or something that upset me I become sort of blind, and I don't see or think about the good comments all around anymore. Plus I can't seem to be able to ignore the comments as I read, it immediately makes me upset. I dunno what to do about this. The only way to stop this would be to drop my Internet connection completly, but still it doesnt stop me from hearing bad comments In real life, so I dunno what to do. Sorry for that. I would like to say I am not ignoring you guys support at all, even if it seems so sometimes, it just seems to occur this way and I am sad about this. That's why I keep reading #TCPA|T3h_Unc3ns0r3z logs and the official kevin appreciation thread after feeling down, to help me put myself back up.
One more thing, stuff can make me upset even when directed to other ppls and when I am not involved in this, even with ppl I havent always been in good term with. Just as an example Vladik complains/bickering on TICALCS2 were directed at allynfolksjr
I hope you guy understand this, and that I wish I wasnt like that and I didn't wanted to be like that at all (at least not as worse), its not easy at all to deal with this... and now to know what I went through in grade 7th, this didnt helped at all...
well that post was just to let you know whats up with me, I dunno if I forgot some important stuff. This isn't a "SMSD canceled" topic, because the game is still in the works, but if there is one thing that keeps this project alive it's you guy support, it helps a lot, even if it's not noticeable, without you I doubt the game would have even started at all. When it's finished the Credit section of the readme will be very long.
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The future of this project
Reply #1 on:
May 20, 2006, 09:36:00 am »
Concentrating on bad stuff in this way is not good...
With me, it was quite similar in elementary school, I couldn't take any criticism, regardless at whom it was directed... got detention often.
The big bang came when they threw me out in 3th. class and my friends all left me... since then I try to keep those sudden floods of emotion to myself... (note: I was taken to a test for secondary school then, passed and went to secondary school then *blink*)
That didn't and still doesn't do any good to me though, since the tension is there, but now way to let it out... So I was in psychatric treatment, but as it is often the case, psychologists suck...
I found my own way of dealing with it then: Drawing and writing, mostly the latter. I may not be good in it, but at least I don't go kaboom from people getting flamed or verbally beaten down.
Btw: good that SMSD is not dead
Take your time
Think alot
Think of everything u got. ^_^!
greets Kevin and wishes him the best. Just let us know if u feel anything specific is wrong!
The future of this project
Reply #2 on:
May 20, 2006, 10:18:00 am »
Good luck with SMSD Kevin, I'm sure it's going to be a smash hit once it's released. You put a lot of effort and soul into it, and by what it seems so far a lot of content too, that will make for a very long and enjoyable game.
- Alex
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Reply #3 on:
May 21, 2006, 08:37:00 pm »
I would say that you are too caring about others, so much so that it is now a burden on you. It pains me to see you so upset and that there is no easy way to help.
Im glad that SMSD is coming along, it looks awesome.
"My world is Black & White. But if I blink fast enough, I see it in Grayscale."
The future of this project
Reply #4 on:
May 22, 2006, 07:30:00 am »
I want to see this completed. it SMSD sounds like it will be really fun, and iirc the screenshots are awesome too.
w00t, 128th post.
DJ Omnimaga
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Reply #5 on:
May 23, 2006, 04:24:00 am »
w00t 899 posts!
QuoteBegin-tr1p1ea+May 22 2006, 03:37 AM-->
(tr1p1ea @ May 22 2006, 03:37 AM)
I would say that you are too caring about others, so much so that it is now a burden on you.
Yeah I know, its not easy to not do this though, but I guess I'll have to live with it, oh well...
on a good note the game is finished... errr... well sort of...
at least its ready for a first release, it only have two game mode and its set to run on a SE so the songs will run twice slower on the calc, as I syncronised the sim files with the originals songs using the SE calc. So download the game by scrolling below!!!
Download will be avaliable once I finished writing the readme
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
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CodeWalrus founder & retired Omnimaga founder
The future of this project
Reply #6 on:
June 02, 2006, 02:10:00 pm »
I dunno for a long but version 1.0 might be delayed, the time I sort things out
Losing someone's friendship is not easy to deal with afterward, online or IRL, especially when you know you unintentionally upsetted and caused harm to that person and knowing what that person went/is going through IRL as well. I am feeling pretty bad right now, I didn't meant to be bad to that person but I should never have done what I did yesterday, I failed to show respect to that person, something I will regret forever...
Sorry for those who wanted a new version but atm I don't feel like coding. That will be postponed until further notice. I still yet have to apology to that person and hope she will accept it, but with what I did and considering my way of acting I dunno if the person will accept it.
Again my behaviour costed me another friend, sometimes I dunno why I am still here
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The future of this project
Reply #7 on:
June 16, 2006, 06:41:00 am »
I have to say this time the programs are all very well structured so that I can use them very easily! The graphics are awesome - 12 songs,
come on, what's up?? It's handsome!
EDIT: I just downloaded it and tried some songs - THIS IS JUST FANTASTIC
oh and plz try to take it easy when some stuff happens - I know it's always hard but in those times you have trouble just think on good things and try to solve the problems.
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Reply #8 on:
June 16, 2006, 06:17:00 pm »
Yeah, man. Everyone makes mistakes. Don't worry so much. If she's a true friend, she'll forgive and forget. And dude, a LOT of people look up to you here. There's plenty of reasons why you should be here
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
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The future of this project
Reply #9 on:
June 17, 2006, 01:47:00 am »
well that was kinda solved i think, and the she was for the "person" word actually, it doesnt mean its a she necessarly. Anyway I might update this when metroid is finished
DJ Omnimaga
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Reply #10 on:
July 30, 2006, 03:16:00 am »
I'm ditching this, the version at ticalc has practically everything anyway, not much needed to be added, but I can count on my fingers how many non omnimaga members will play either this or metroid so I dunno why I would continue working on this game
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Reply #11 on:
July 30, 2006, 06:33:00 pm »
I thought it was nice, but I just hope you stay with us. Anything you work on will as always be great
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
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Reply #12 on:
July 31, 2006, 09:06:00 am »
QuoteBegin-kalan_vod+Jul 31 2006, 01:33 AM-->
(kalan_vod @ Jul 31 2006, 01:33 AM)
I just hope you stay with us
I need a new program idea O_O
I have illusiat 11 with me now, but I dunno i I feel like remaking it completly in xlib, but if I had to remake a game in xlib it would be that one I think
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Reply #13 on:
July 31, 2006, 11:14:00 am »
OR it could be your gs rueben game (spelling?), that is what I would love to see
The future of this project
Reply #14 on:
July 31, 2006, 11:25:00 am »
QuoteBegin-kalan_vod+Jul 31 2006, 05:14 PM-->
(kalan_vod @ Jul 31 2006, 05:14 PM)
OR it could be your gs rueben game (spelling?), that is what I would love to see
that would be awesome
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