Author Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)  (Read 11053 times)

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2013, 07:17:50 am »
What does "120" mean ?
Well, in 1337, LOL becomes 101 which is 5 in binary. Hence LOL! is 5! which is equal to 120. :P
Ok, 39 for the explanation :p

Seems like you like putting numbers instead of words so I put 39 to mean "thank you" because in Japanese 3 is san and 9 is kyu so it gives "san kyu" ;)
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2013, 01:15:57 pm »
What does "120" mean ?
Well, in 1337, LOL becomes 101 which is 5 in binary. Hence LOL! is 5! which is equal to 120. :P
Ok, 39 for the explanation :p

Seems like you like putting numbers instead of words so I put 39 to mean "thank you" because in Japanese 3 is san and 9 is kyu so it gives "san kyu" ;)
I don't do that for anything else than LOL. ??? I just saw it on urban dictionary and found it kinda fun. :P And yours is nice too. ;)

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2013, 02:35:53 pm »
120d has been a running gag for a while on back then too. People kept saying that instead of lol. Then later on Cemetech lol got censored to 0x5.

Anyway not much progress on code since I was kinda injured early in the weekend then got busy shopping for games, but I was debatting about if instead of texturing the floor I should texture the walls and ceiling instead. Due to the way the sand/grass-type floor is drawn, it would be hard to redraw it after using the sword, since it isn't tiled. That isn't a big problem for the rectangle tiling texture, though.

Also note about the Boss sprite on page 1: The reason why it's so fast when moving it around despite being so large is because to move around, the left side is erased and an extra row of 3x3 squares is displayed on the right side, or vice-versa. The middle of the sprite is never refreshed. The only downside of this technique is that the sprite can only move left-right, not up-down.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 03:42:49 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2013, 04:54:10 pm »
120d has been a running gag for a while on back then too. People kept saying that instead of lol. Then later on Cemetech lol got censored to 0x5.

Anyway not much progress on code since I was kinda injured early in the weekend then got busy shopping for games, but I was debatting about if instead of texturing the floor I should texture the walls and ceiling instead. Due to the way the sand/grass-type floor is drawn, it would be hard to redraw it after using the sword, since it isn't tiled. That isn't a big problem for the rectangle tiling texture, though.

Also note about the Boss sprite on page 1: The reason why it's so fast when moving it around despite being so large is because to move around, the left side is erased and an extra row of 3x3 squares is displayed on the right side, or vice-versa. The middle of the sprite is never refreshed. The only downside of this technique is that the sprite can only move left-right, not up-down.
Fortunately, you could code this way for left-right movement and the ordinary way for up-down movement (if it's fast enough).
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2013, 12:45:52 am »
Did you say that you had a lib or you needed one?
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2013, 01:11:09 am »
120d has been a running gag for a while on back then too. People kept saying that instead of lol. Then later on Cemetech lol got censored to 0x5.

Anyway not much progress on code since I was kinda injured early in the weekend then got busy shopping for games, but I was debatting about if instead of texturing the floor I should texture the walls and ceiling instead. Due to the way the sand/grass-type floor is drawn, it would be hard to redraw it after using the sword, since it isn't tiled. That isn't a big problem for the rectangle tiling texture, though.

Also note about the Boss sprite on page 1: The reason why it's so fast when moving it around despite being so large is because to move around, the left side is erased and an extra row of 3x3 squares is displayed on the right side, or vice-versa. The middle of the sprite is never refreshed. The only downside of this technique is that the sprite can only move left-right, not up-down.
Fortunately, you could code this way for left-right movement and the ordinary way for up-down movement (if it's fast enough).
Up/down would be possible actually, but the sprite colors would be vertical lines instead of horizontal. If I wanted 4-directional movement to be possible, the sprite would only have 1 color.
Did you say that you had a lib or you needed one?
Calc84maniac sent me a lib a while ago. I asked for one for a while but eventually he made one. Unfortunately it doesn't work in jsTIfied, though.

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2013, 03:28:52 am »
Does the lib enable 160x240 mode or does it do sprites too?
"My world is Black & White. But if I blink fast enough, I see it in Grayscale."

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2013, 02:57:35 pm »
Just 160x240 mode and/or scrolling (for now, anyway)
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2013, 12:20:32 am »
The following are just mockups, nothing implemented as is in the game, but I was wondering if you would prefer the smaller hearts to the bigger ones or vice-versa? The issue with large hearts (which use 5 pt-on commands) is that they take so much space in the HUD that even with 9 hearts, everything else is squeezed into a small space, and there is the possibility of a key glitch happening with the large hearts setup (if you decided somehow to grab several dungeon keys at multiple places, but not use them immediately, so you ended up with more than 9 keys). However, would the small hearts just be too small?

Also, below the two images I am talking about, I have attached a picture of what the menu will look like when it's full. At first it was going to be white because there was text right next to items, but that isn't the case anymore. For the item color codes, cyan and green refers to 2nd and ALPHA key colors on the calc, while gray is for support items that aren't assigned to a key. To avoid confusion, I added a colored legend in there. It is possible that dungeon keys will be removed, replaced with standard keys. Of course doing so would cause you to get caught off guard by boss encounters, but I could simply make the dungeons layout so that the official dungeon treasure is located right before the boss room or make the door colored.

Also, it is possible that there might be a map for each dungeon, but that would depend of space. It shouldn't be too hard to create, though, but it would require redrawing a part of the screen afterward.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 12:25:18 am by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2013, 01:58:41 am »
I love that menu :D

As for the hearts, I prefer the small ones because they don't seem to take all the HUD :P
Also, as you said, since the big ones take all the space they might cause problems that would not appear with small ones :)
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2013, 02:02:17 am »
The only other issue though is that the text is so big compared to small hearts, lol. :P

Offline Hayleia

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2013, 02:11:36 am »
The only other issue though is that the text is so big compared to small hearts, lol. :P
Yeah, true, but there is nothing you can do about the size of the text (I guess) so to have everything fit in the screen the only thing you can change is the size of the rest, including hearts :)
Maybe you should set a poll so that you have more opinions than mine ? :P

Also, what are those numbers representing ? I think the second one is the number of keys you have but I don't get the other ones.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2013, 02:12:39 am »
One of them is rupees and the other are bombs.

Offline Hayleia

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2013, 02:15:45 am »
In fact, I was thinking that if one of those numbers was not "useful to the action", you could put it elsewhere. For example, you don't really need to know how many rupees you have when you are in the middle of a dungeon, but you constantly need to know how many bombs and keys you have, so the number of rupees could be put in the menu for example (if you compress things a bit in the menu :P)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 02:23:40 am by Hayleia »
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Sacred Pearls (ideas/progress)
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2013, 05:00:28 am »
I think I'd go with the smaller hearts. :)