The Project: The Lord of the Rings for the 83+ family
Le Projet: Le Seigneur des Anneaux pour la famille des 83+
- A gripping story of love, war, adventure, betrayal, forgiveness, and such 'n such... lovingly ripped off from J.R.R. Tolkein
- 9 playable characters, each with their own special ability
- Status ailments (paralysis, poison...)
- Best of all... FEATURE CREEP! Keep checking this post to see it at work!

The Status:Movement: 90%
Separate collision routine implemented, as well as detection of buildings (or whatever). Collision routine also optimized now to squeeze as much speed as possible out. Event triggers / conversation system implemented and all nice and working.
In-game menu: 75%
Must implement separate save slots and in-game help files. And the QUIT command. And actual saving - this routine has been found to not work properly. Oops.
Saving/Loading: 70%
Must actually give a loading option as opposed to automatically loading my test save file.
Combat: 95%
Battle engine renders basic screen and combatants, and is capable of executing the Flee and Fight commands, as well as Legolas' Multi(shot), Aragorn's Heal, Gimli's Rage, Gandalf's Zap (spell), Boromir's (Shield) Bash, Frodo's (One) Ring, Sam's Hold (Fast), and Merry's Steal. Can complete battles and award EXP and gold. Characters know when they have died and skip turns accordingly. In-battle items are all done. Pippin's character ability must still be implemented, as well as player status afflictions. (Enemies can be stunned, but not poisoned yet.)
Item management: 16%
Store items complete (but not necessarily accessible). Weapons, armor, and items can be bought/sold. Note that arms are bought on a trade-in system - only one weapon or armor per character. Item list, besides weapons and armor: kingsfoil (restores 20 HP), meat (restores 50 HP), herbs (cures status afflictions, which are not implemented yet), entwater (revives dead companions),
lembas (increases max HP), and
miruvor (increases EXP). Kingsfoil, meat, herbs*, and entwater can be used within battle.
Map implementation: 0.8%
A very small, clean map that is closer to the final design.
Story implementation: 0%
Not really a priority right now.
Graphics: 13%
Party graphics are done, along with about a third of the enemy sprites. Very few overworld tiles, much less dungeon- or town-specific ones. Need LOTS OF SPRITES to start serious work.
BCTurk did the PC sprites. (That would be Player Character.)
Startup and other Stuff: 11%
Using the One Ring intro - thanks VERY MUCH to lolje and Spellshaper.

Editors: 50%
Map editor, done. Save editor, not started.
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