Because I was on hiatus from TI BASIC programming for a while, I thought I'd build some simple little games to get back into the swing of things.
The Stock Market Game 2010 is the sixth iteration of the stock market simulator game series I started back in 2006 (but never really released online). The object of the game is to make as much money as you can in the time allotted. You start with a meager $10,000. You can play for 30, 60, or 999 days. You can invest in 6 different stocks that appreciate and depreciate differently across each day. The game will tell you how many shares you can buy or sell of a given stock when you select it. The game also automatically saves your progress so you can quit and resume playing later (so long as the TSMG6 list remains untouched).
If you find any bugs or have feature suggestions or tweaks, let me know. I'm contemplating adding taking out loans (for "buying on margin" or something similar) and growth trend graphs for each stock. However, this will only add to the size of the game which is already pretty big (>6000 bytes). Good ideas? Bad ideas?
Also, I'm planning on making a "Deluxe xLIB Edition" which sports fancy non-menu() graphics. Since this one will be >9000 bytes, would it be better to just add extra functionality to this version?