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Stop making epic programs. Give someone else a chance
That is pretty darn fast. Great work ^^
Is that at 15MHz? Also, I never understood the game of life Nice job, though, using Mimas to code games looks cool, I only use it to learn.
bitFinal: ;label ld a, c ;variable transfer, A now equals the number of live cells around the current one jr nz, checkDeath ;if it's living, go to checkDeath ;>>asm: most often, we will come through here with a non-living pixel ; so the fall through for jr is the fastest way to do this cp 3 ;act like we are subtracting 3 from A jp nz, activeRet ;if A != 3, go find the next pixel ;>>asm: most often will not be birthing a new cell, so jp is fastest jp setIt ;go to setItcheckDeath: cp 2 ;act like we are subtracting 2 from A jp c, activeRet ;if A < 2, go find the next pixel ;>>asm: this is first because most pixels that won't survive will have ; 0 or 1, not >= 4 cp 4 ;act like we are subtracting 4 jr nc, activeRet ;if A >= 4, go find the next pixel ;>>asm: 2 and 3 are more likely than 4+setIt: ld a, d ;if you don't know asm, stop reading or (ix+3) ld (ix+3), a push hl ld hl, activeRet ex (sp), hl ld d, setJPHigh push de ret
The Prizm is coming up, but there is hardly any casio fx-xxxx development.