Author Topic: TI-Freakware's Converter - TIFC for the 73, 82, 83, 83+/84+ and soon the 84+CSE!  (Read 7508 times)

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The 84+CSE would be a bit larger, because for Text(, you will run into triple digits for coordinates, plus the use of colors and the like. As it stands right now, it's around 8kb v.v
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 12:23:34 am by tifreak »
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elfprince was awesome and set me up with some code to utilize imaginary and real numbers to do some serious optimizing. The 178 conversions before took up over 8kb in size. Sadly, the TI-73 and TI-82 lack those functions, so, I simplified what he had done so it's more easily cross-compatible (and more easy for me to cheat by copy pasting code from one window to another in Tokens and just modifying code here and there to make it work on all calcs).

I still need to compress the Volume and Weight categories. I think I'll do that when I wake back up.


Elfprince also suggested adding the speed of light as an available speed conversion. That puts the total conversions available to 188 currently :) Working on lengths now. Program is now below 4k, but that won't last long at all.


At the further suggestion of Elfprince, added 'stone' to weights, and am adding Time as another conversion category. This puts me to 202 conversions currently programmed in, working on length. Going to update the main post.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 01:51:35 pm by tifreak »
Projects: AOD Series: 75% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 18% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%

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So I've added a lot to that front page with the list of conversions I can do. If the number is correct, I can do 576 conversions. Technically. Sorta. It's just different because the way it displays the data. I have to finish programming in the Times, then I can get started on Area and see about what else to do with the power/torque stuff.

If you look through that list and think something should be added somewhere, PLEASE feel free to tell me, I love making additions to this program, and want to make it as complete as possible :)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 09:30:53 pm by tifreak »
Projects: AOD Series: 75% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 18% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%

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Just updated the first post's list of conversions this little beast does. If my count is accurate, this program now does 674 conversions.

I'm going to go through and verify my numbers are right. I'm fairly certain google went cheap with decimal places, so I've got other sources to check for those, see if I can't add to the precision. Once that is done, porting to other calcs and screenshots will be done :)

By the by, TIFC is sitting at just over 8kb!


I went through and added in all the rest of the decimals to 4 categories and added UK Tons. This puts this to 690 conversions available.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 09:25:01 pm by tifreak »
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So, here you go, the files have all been uploaded!

TI-73 Edition

TI-82 Edition

TI-83 Edition

TI-83+/84+ Edition

TI-84+CSE Edition

Some screenshots with download urls :) At least until gets around to updating. Woo~

Let me know if you find any bugs! If you see I need to add an conversion, please let me know!

(And yes, those screenshots are from their respective calcs, they really are that fast on calc. :)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 04:36:41 am by tifreak »
Projects: AOD Series: 75% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 18% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%

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Wow, nice, the TI 84pcse programs are rolling in.... :D

Also, check out my website
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Click here to give me an internet!

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Thanks! I hope someone finds one version of these program useful to them. I know it's not a game, so not many people are going to be flocking to it right away. :p A lot of hard work went into these.
Projects: AOD Series: 75% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 18% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%

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Alright, I found and corrected a few bugs:

1) Pressures cursor movement was bad for anything not 84+CSE.

2) When on the second page of a category, and you returned to the main, it would deposit you onto the second page of the main (non-84+CSE issue)

3) Had 1 too many DelVars programmed in when exiting the program.

Updates at Cemetech are completed, so feel free to use the above download links.
Projects: AOD Series: 75% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 18% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%