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.DJTUNNEL Axe Parser Tunnel clone"appvDJTUNNHS"->GDB1UnArchive GDB1[80C0E0F0E0C08000->Pic1"AXE TUNNEL"->Str2"2010, by DJ Omnimaga"->Str3"SPEED:"->Str40->D->P+1->S+1->Q->K5->J8->C+1->R29->I+1->A40->W->TFullDiagnosticOffClrHomeClrDrawFor(Z,9,21 Line(0,Z,95,ZEndLine(0,56,95,56StorePic ClrDrawFor(Z,8,22 Line(0,Z,95,ZEndFor(Z,56,63 Line(0,Z,95,ZEndDrawInv Fix 5Fix 1Text(20,12,Str2Fix 0Text(14,57,Str3Fix 3Text(5,35,Str4Repeat Z=54 DS>(K,12) DispGraph^^r End DS>(J,11-(S*2)) Pt-Change(I,35,Pic1) I+1->I If I=86 29->I End End getKey->Z If Z=15 1->S Goto GO End Z=3-(Z=2)+S->S If S=6 5->S End !If S 1->S EndEndClrHomeClrDrawFor(Z,10,50 Line(0,Z,95,Z)EndRepeat W=6 or getKey(15) P+S->P DS>(C,8) rand^2*2-1->D End R+D->R !If R 1->R End If 62-W<R 62-W->R End A-getKey(4)+getKey(1)->A Pt-Change(0,A,Pic1) Line(95,R,95,R+W) DS>(Q,S) DispGraph If pxl-Test(0,A) or pxl-Test(0,A+6) Goto GO End End Pt-Change(0,A,Pic1 Horizontal - DS>(T,99) W-1->W EndEndLbl GOgetKeyFix 4Fix 2ClrHomeIf P Output(0,0,"Score:",P>DecEndGetCalc(GDB1)->MIf M If P>{S*2+M-2}^^r P->{S*2+M-2}^^r EndElse GetCalc(GDB1,10 GetCalc(GDB1)->M P->{S*2+M-2}^^rEndOutput(0,1,"SPEED HIGHSCOREFor(S,1,5 Output(0,S+1,S>Dec," ",{S*2+M-2}^^r>DecEndOutput(0,0
Update: Hooray! I finally finished txt to 8xp!Now all I have left is calculating the checksum, which shouldn't be too hard...
sumo=0 for i in range(0,len(hexArray[76:len(hexArray)-2])): sumo += int(str(hexArray[76+i]),16)