Author Topic: TokenIDE - TI-BASIC IDE  (Read 90050 times)

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #210 on: December 30, 2010, 12:49:57 am »
* DJ Omnimaga can't wait until it is possible to open files with tokens by drag'n'dropping them on the app shortcut or app itself (icon or while it's open). :P

Offline Munchor

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #211 on: December 31, 2010, 11:57:53 am »
* DJ Omnimaga can't wait until it is possible to open files with tokens by drag'n'dropping them on the app shortcut or app itself (icon or while it's open). :P

Yeah, that's true! I sometimes do that but it doesn't work :S I am used to WabbitEmu I guess.

Offline merthsoft

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #212 on: March 06, 2011, 03:12:21 pm »
Ok, I've cleaned some stuff up and made an official release, check it out:

Download it at:

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #213 on: March 06, 2011, 04:01:28 pm »
O.O Very nice.  
I do suggest color coding.  (if you were to highlight variables in one color and commands in another)
Now I don't have to use TI's discontinued editor. :)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 10:31:15 pm by ralphdspam »
ld a, 0
ld a, a

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #214 on: March 07, 2011, 09:29:30 pm »
Oooh nice, I like the update. :D

I'll need to update at one point.

Offline merthsoft

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #215 on: June 09, 2011, 10:53:18 pm »
Ugh, I haven't updated here in forever. Shame on me.

Here's a recent screenshot:

Stuff I've added:
  • Tokens pane: Now, not only can you see the byte, but you can see each token broken out. I reckon this makes it easier to check out what is actually going to be on the calc.
  • Locked Programs: You can now specify if a program is locked or not. This doesn't persist in txt files (I'm still thinking about how to do that), but I know some people have wanted to be able to set it in .8xp files.
  • Archive Programs: You can now specify if a program is in the archive.This doesn't persist in txt files (I'm still thinking about how to do that), but I know some people have wanted to be able to set it in .8xp files.
  • Dirty Flag: Shows you if you've edited the program. It'll also stop you from closing the program and ask you if you want to exit without having saved.
  • Closing Tabs: WHAT A NOVEL IDEA!
  • App Var Support: You can open/save appvars, and open a program and save it as an appvar and vice versa.
  • Tokenization Prompt: When you tokenize the file, it asks you where you want to put it.
  • Fixed Up XML Files: I've updated the Tokens file to put all the Y-Vars in {}. I've also added a Y-Vars group to the file, so it shows up in the references pane. I've removes Tokens1.xml and renamed Tokens2.xml to Tokens.xml and made that the default. I've also added Scouts modified AxeTokens.xml because it adds stuff. I've also added some comments to the xml files to credit people's help and a note on my hopes for people's usage of it. Basically the idea is the more people using a standardized format in their software, the better, that way people can mix-and-match their software etc. I'm open to changing the schema if things need to be added.
Here's the download!

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #216 on: June 10, 2011, 10:20:15 pm »
That's awesome! By the way are programs unlocked by default?

I think a nice feature would be a tool to batch lock/unlock/archive programs, so it's easier to edit old calc games or make games compatible with older emulators like PindurTI.

Offline defmenge

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #217 on: June 11, 2011, 05:58:37 am »
Great program Merthsoft, this is really useful for working on larger projects!

I'm currently using it to work on my DROD clone in Axe (which, afaik, hasn't been done before), though there is one small thing bothering me about TokenIDE: when you save with Ctrl-S, you have to confirm the overwrite everytime, which is slightly annoying to people like me, who have a habit of quicksaving often to prevent data loss. ;)

Also, the included AxeTokens.xml did not work for me, importing it caused no new category or any changes to appear. I figured out the XML format and found out that the Axe commands are not assigned to any new group. AxeTokens.xml can be fixed by adding the line
Code: [Select]
<Group name="Axe" comment="The Axe parser commands." site="" /> inside the "<Tokens [...]>" tag, and adding
Code: [Select]
group="Axe" into every "<Token [...]>" tag.
This causes a new "Axe" group to appear which contains all commands displayed as if you were using Axe.

It seems that changing the Token file does not change the Token parser's behaviour. It will still parse the original (Tokens.xml) Tokens while only the reference list is changed.

...and suddenly, it works. :P
« Last Edit: June 11, 2011, 11:53:52 am by defmenge »
Spoiler For DROD8x:
Status: Pre-Alpha "ROACHIE" - Progress: 20%
[=====] Graphics: 100% (full greyscale tileset)
[==== ] Tilemapping: 80% (maps load successfully, additional tile data not implemented yet)
[=    ] Storage formats: 20% (planned: segmentable holds, composed of levels, made of up to [presumably] 8x8 rooms)
[==   ] Monsters: 40% (roaches and roach queen AI working; planned: eyes, wubbas, golems and possibly more)
[     ] Gameplay Elements: 0% (walls and floors only)
[     ] GUI: 0% (very bare in-game GUI)
[=    ] Editor: 20% (integrated basic editor)
Project is currently on hold due to lots of homework and tests.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #218 on: June 11, 2011, 02:36:35 pm »
Are you planning to announce your DROD game by the way? It seems kinda fun and people might be interested here :)

Offline merthsoft

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #219 on: June 11, 2011, 04:21:16 pm »
That's awesome! By the way are programs unlocked by default?

I think a nice feature would be a tool to batch lock/unlock/archive programs, so it's easier to edit old calc games or make games compatible with older emulators like PindurTI.
Programs are whatever they are in the 8xp by default. If you're starting a new one or loading it in from a txt file, they're unlocked, though. As for the batch lock/unlock/archive, that'll all be included when I get the whole "project" system in place, but good idea.

Great program Merthsoft, this is really useful for working on larger projects!

I'm currently using it to work on my DROD clone in Axe (which, afaik, hasn't been done before), though there is one small thing bothering me about TokenIDE: when you save with Ctrl-S, you have to confirm the overwrite everytime, which is slightly annoying to people like me, who have a habit of quicksaving often to prevent data loss. ;)

Also, the included AxeTokens.xml did not work for me, importing it caused no new category or any changes to appear. I figured out the XML format and found out that the Axe commands are not assigned to any new group. AxeTokens.xml can be fixed by adding the line
Code: [Select]
<Group name="Axe" comment="The Axe parser commands." site="" /> inside the "<Tokens [...]>" tag, and adding
Code: [Select]
group="Axe" into every "<Token [...]>" tag.
This causes a new "Axe" group to appear which contains all commands displayed as if you were using Axe.
Thanks for the input! You should definite upload/email me your changes with the axe tokens file so that I can include it in the download. I haven't really done a whole lot of work with Axe or that file, it's mostly been other contributors.

Offline Munchor

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #220 on: June 11, 2011, 04:23:37 pm »
Great program Merthsoft, this is really useful for working on larger projects!

I'm currently using it to work on my DROD clone in Axe (which, afaik, hasn't been done before), though there is one small thing bothering me about TokenIDE: when you save with Ctrl-S, you have to confirm the overwrite everytime, which is slightly annoying to people like me, who have a habit of quicksaving often to prevent data loss. ;)

Also, the included AxeTokens.xml did not work for me, importing it caused no new category or any changes to appear. I figured out the XML format and found out that the Axe commands are not assigned to any new group. AxeTokens.xml can be fixed by adding the line
Code: [Select]
<Group name="Axe" comment="The Axe parser commands." site="" /> inside the "<Tokens [...]>" tag, and adding
Code: [Select]
group="Axe" into every "<Token [...]>" tag.
This causes a new "Axe" group to appear which contains all commands displayed as if you were using Axe.

It seems that changing the Token file does not change the Token parser's behaviour. It will still parse the original (Tokens.xml) Tokens while only the reference list is changed.

...and suddenly, it works. :P

Did you change the Token file to AxeTokens.xml? You have to do that in order to use Axe tokens and since it always worked fine for me, I'm wondering if you did.

In fact, I also gave Merth an updated AxeTokens.xml that he will update in newest version :)

Offline merthsoft

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #221 on: June 11, 2011, 04:25:55 pm »
Did you change the Token file to AxeTokens.xml? You have to do that in order to use Axe tokens and since it always worked fine for me, I'm wondering if you did.

In fact, I also gave Merth an updated AxeTokens.xml that he will update in newest version :)
I'm pretty sure he got it working. Also, your version is in the current download :D

Offline defmenge

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #222 on: June 11, 2011, 04:47:59 pm »
Are you planning to announce your DROD game by the way? It seems kinda fun and people might be interested here :)
I'm planning to announce it on Omnimaga when I have at least a few screenshots to show. ;)
Currently the game is in the stage of AI and file I/O tests, I have to experiment quite a lot since this is my first real Axe project ever.

Anyway, back on topic: Merthsoft, I can send you an updated version of AxeTokens.xml if you still need one, as I said, I added an "Axe" group which contains all commands in their Axe versions. I also replaced the "u", "v" and "w" variables with "var", "appv" and "grp" respectively. I thought about attaching it, but I guess there is some minimum post number I need to reach before being able to attach files. :P

Did you change the Token file to AxeTokens.xml? You have to do that in order to use Axe tokens and since it always worked fine for me, I'm wondering if you did.
I used the "Change Token File" menu option to change it, and, if I recall correctly, it caused no groups to show up in the reference list. The tokenization might be working, but the list of commands is still useful to newbies like me who don't remember all of the commands yet. :P
Spoiler For DROD8x:
Status: Pre-Alpha "ROACHIE" - Progress: 20%
[=====] Graphics: 100% (full greyscale tileset)
[==== ] Tilemapping: 80% (maps load successfully, additional tile data not implemented yet)
[=    ] Storage formats: 20% (planned: segmentable holds, composed of levels, made of up to [presumably] 8x8 rooms)
[==   ] Monsters: 40% (roaches and roach queen AI working; planned: eyes, wubbas, golems and possibly more)
[     ] Gameplay Elements: 0% (walls and floors only)
[     ] GUI: 0% (very bare in-game GUI)
[=    ] Editor: 20% (integrated basic editor)
Project is currently on hold due to lots of homework and tests.

Offline merthsoft

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #223 on: June 11, 2011, 04:51:00 pm »
Anyway, back on topic: Merthsoft, I can send you an updated version of AxeTokens.xml if you still need one, as I said, I added an "Axe" group which contains all commands in their Axe versions. I also replaced the "u", "v" and "w" variables with "var", "appv" and "grp" respectively. I thought about attaching it, but I guess there is some minimum post number I need to reach before being able to attach files. :P
Yes, please do: shaunm.mcfall at gmail. Thanks :)

Ok, he sent me the file and I looked in to it a little bit. Instead of adding the "Axe" group to each token, you can alternatively just add the main "_default" group. So just add:
Code: [Select]
<Group name="_default" comment="The standard TI-BASIC commands." site="" /> or
Code: [Select]
<Group site="" comment="The Axe parser commands." name="_default"/>right after the "Tokens" tag, and it should make that the default group. That should require less editing and, I think, a cleaner file.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2011, 05:05:00 pm by merthsoft »

Offline merthsoft

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Re: Tokens
« Reply #224 on: June 21, 2011, 06:32:13 pm »
Alright, I've made a couple updates:
  • Command line file opening. Do "TokenIDE.exe file1 file2 etc." from the command line and it will open the files (this also means that dragging a file onto the .exe (or "Open With") will also open the files).
  • Drag and drop file opening. If the IDE is open, drag a file on to it to open it.
  • If you've already confirmed overwrite for saving a file, it will not prompt you again (until you close and reopen it).
Next I'm working on list/matrix manipulation.
Download at the normal spot:
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 06:33:43 pm by merthsoft »