Not sure if this is the right thread
Before I start this project, I want to see if its possible. My goal is to create a small trading card game in pure BASIC. Players will have an deck of up to three cards. When they want to battle someone, the connect the calculators, select the card they want to use, and battle. Cards get experience from battles, and use experience to level up. Leveling up results in raised stats. I have not decided how cards will acquire new moves, either by buying them with exp or getting them after leveling.
-A card's stats are stored in a list, and when the player selects a card that cards stats are stored in a temporary list.
-Players will be able to battle and trade via the link cable
-How to store a cards name with a list.
I thought of using the first 8 slots of the list as the name and using a string with " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" and sub.
-How to try to stop people from cheating.
-How to store an icon into a list.
Any answers would be appreciated.