Author Topic: the_mad_joob's ti8X+ include file  (Read 2035 times)

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Offline the_mad_joob

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the_mad_joob's ti8X+ include file
« on: July 11, 2011, 07:25:42 am »
Yo there you mad coders...

I decided to share what is probably the most complete ti8X+ include file you could ever find on the web.
It is based on brandon's ti83plus.txt (05/07/2007) in which i added a significant quantity of missing equates (later os ones among others...).
It's designed to be compatible with tasm syntax.


Features :

additions from the latest official include : - ti - 09/27/2002
   system flags
      plotTrace (plotFlags)
      statANSDISP (statFlags)
      noRestores (newFlags2)
      No_Del_Stat (statFlags2)
      Modifier0 (dBKeyFlags)
      Modifier1 (dBKeyFlags)
      Modifier2 (dBKeyFlags)
      Modifier3 (dBKeyFlags)
      repeatMost (dBKeyFlags)
      haveDBKey (dBKeyFlags)
      HWLinkErrF (dBKeyFlags)
   small character font equates
   more 2 byte keys (1.15+)
   2nd byte Of t2bytetok tokens (1.15+)
   language localization equates
   parser equates
   interrupt equates
   memory paging equates
   lcd driver equates
   graph style definitions
   various maybe useful precisions

additions by me
   starting program counters equates
   executable program header macro
   standard application header macro (freeware)
   large character font equates (0h,F2h-FFh)
   small character font equates (EDh-FFh)
   tokens (0h)
   2nd byte Of t2bytetok tokens (DBh-FFh)
   2nd byte Of t2bytetok2 tokens (0h-42h)

modifications by me
   useless macros disabled
   _cxPPutAway was renamed _PutAway, to match ti documentation (putaway.pdf).
   tCoshH was renamed tCosH, its original name (typo).
   tUnused01 was renamed t2ByteTok2, due to added equates.
   LastToken value was increased, due to added equates.
   PStat value is now calculated properly.


The probably most usefull thing is a macro that automatically adds the standard application header (freeware apps only).
It may saves you time and space in your source if, like me, you use to fully automate application creation process using batch files (possible with rabbitsign for example).
All you need to do is adding the following line at the beginning of the code part in your source :
Note that application_name must be 8 characters long (Fill with spaces if your app name is shorter.).

Similarly, you can now use this macro :
   prgm_header (a bit less boring than the usual .db t2bytetok,tasmcmp)

Other than that, some of these much coherent starting pc equates may be used :
.org prgm_start (for programs, same as usermem-2)
.org app_start (for applications, same as 4000h)


Don't hesitate to post missing equates|infos in this topic if you find some.
I intend to update the file as soon as new stuff will be discovered.

Fat thx to brandon who did what ti didn't...

Have fun =]
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 02:59:13 pm by the_mad_joob »

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Re: the_mad_joob's ti8X+ include file
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2011, 07:28:36 am »
This is cool, you edited the most complete one to make the new most complete one ;) What is the assembler compatibility?

Offline the_mad_joob

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Re: the_mad_joob's ti8X+ include file
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2011, 07:31:18 am »
Thx =]

I used strictly the same syntax brandon used which is, at least, fully compatible with tasm.
I cannot say about other assemblers, since i'm from the old cmd school =]
« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 07:41:31 am by the_mad_joob »

Offline the_mad_joob

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Re: the_mad_joob's ti8X+ include file
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2011, 02:32:41 am »

Addition :
   small character font equates (EDh-FFh)

Bugfix :
   PStat value is now calculated correctly by tasm.

Also, i've enhanced the standard application header macro to support multipage.
New syntax is :

Have fun =]
« Last Edit: December 22, 2011, 04:58:10 am by the_mad_joob »