Author Topic: wfrng-axe notes and release.  (Read 2330 times)

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wfrng-axe notes and release.
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:22:36 pm »
I guess no-one really said stuffs about the directions or anything.. So.

The wacky fun random numbar generator for axe is quite different on how you have to run it.. when it first loads, it will show the display text, then the text will disappear. Due to the fact there is only 1 input command for numbers, I had to do a lot of workarounds. When the text disappears, you then will enter your number, then press enter. The text will then appear, and disappear after enough time for you to read it. You then, again, enter your number. Also, you MUST enter only 2 digit numbers such as 01,08,21,30, etc. due to the nature of the way the input command was written. Other than that, have fun with your raNd0M NumbArs pe0pleZ! :P

Loved this place, still the best producers of power metal, and sparked my dreams of coding.