Author Topic: Xeverion  (Read 21950 times)

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Offline Aichi

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« on: November 06, 2010, 06:39:31 pm »
Well, the name of my new project will be Xeverion. It will be a second title, but I dont imagine one yet.
I thought several days about which language I should use. I will use Axe instead of Asm, cause Axe its fun, Axe is simple, I would need much more time by using Asm and I love to develope on-calc. Xeverion will be an RPG similar to the Fire Emblem series, that I had always enjoyed playing.

However, there is not very much I can show yet. I attached a screenshot and an ion prog representing my alpha tilemap engine. You can try it on wabbitemu for now, but it is developed for SE's (15Mhz ability). I think there is no more I can say for now. Ill post progress soon.

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2010, 06:41:02 pm »
Hmm, looks nice. Gray seems a bit flickery though, is it better on calc? Are you redrawing the tilemap every frame?
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 06:42:30 pm by squidgetx »

Offline FinaleTI

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2010, 06:42:17 pm »
Looks pretty nice. I'm glad to see a Fire Emblem style game for calcs. ;D

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My projects haven't been worked on in a while, so they're all on hiatus for the time being. I do hope to eventually return to them in some form or another...

Spoiler For Pokemon TI:
Axe port of Pokemon Red/Blue to the 83+/84+ family. On hold.

Spoiler For Nostalgia:
My big personal project, an original RPG about dimensional travel and a few heroes tasked with saving the world.
Coding-wise, on hold, but I am re-working the story.

Spoiler For Finale's Super Insane Tunnel Pack of Doom:
I will be combining Blur and Collision Course into a single gamepack. On hold.

Spoiler For Nostalgia Origins: Sky's Story:
Prequel to Nostalgia. On hold, especially while the story is re-worked.

Offline Aichi

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2010, 06:46:23 pm »
Hmm, looks nice. Gray seems a bit flickery though, is it better on calc? Are you redrawing the tilemap every frame?
This is a 6Mhz screenie. The game will be faster, so the grayscale will be looking smoother.
And yes, for now I refresh the screen every frame.

Offline yunhua98

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2010, 06:56:27 pm »
That looks very nice!  how large will this be?  because you may have to use BASIC to cirucmvent the 8kb limit.  unless you're going to make this an APP?  either way, it looks cool so far.  ;)

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The Game is only a demo, the code that allows one to win hasn't been done.
To paraphrase Oedipus, Hamlet, Lear, and all those guys, "I wish I had known this some time ago."
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Offline Aichi

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2010, 07:16:45 pm »
That looks very nice!  how large will this be?  because you may have to use BASIC to cirucmvent the 8kb limit.  unless you're going to make this an APP?  either way, it looks cool so far.  ;)
At the moment my sprite/map data and my code are compiled into one ion program,
but I will have to shift the data into external appvars / progs later.
So there will be the code in an ion prog with a size of ~16KB (I think I can store so much code
as I want, since I saw that Desolate can hold 22KB) and 1 or 2 files with my sprites, maps and character
data (the character data is changable and I have to put this data into the main file if I cant modify ROM files).

Offline yunhua98

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2010, 07:20:00 pm »
Quote from: Aichi
I think I can store so much code
as I want, since I saw that Desolate can hold 22KB
but Axe APPs have a 16kb code limit, due to Axe not being able to write to two pages yet.

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On hold for Contest.

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The Game is only a demo, the code that allows one to win hasn't been done.
To paraphrase Oedipus, Hamlet, Lear, and all those guys, "I wish I had known this some time ago."
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Offline FinaleTI

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2010, 07:26:58 pm »
That looks very nice!  how large will this be?  because you may have to use BASIC to cirucmvent the 8kb limit.  unless you're going to make this an APP?  either way, it looks cool so far.  ;)
At the moment my sprite/map data and my code are compiled into one ion program,
but I will have to shift the data into external appvars / progs later.
So there will be the code in an ion prog with a size of ~16KB (I think I can store so much code
as I want, since I saw that Desolate can hold 22KB) and 1 or 2 files with my sprites, maps and character
data (the character data is changable and I have to put this data into the main file if I cant modify ROM files).
The 8811 byte (I think?) limit is only for executable code, but you can put as much data as you can fit into a program. The 8kb limit applies to all programs, although nostub programs can't have more that about 8192 bytes of executable code.

Spoiler For Projects:

My projects haven't been worked on in a while, so they're all on hiatus for the time being. I do hope to eventually return to them in some form or another...

Spoiler For Pokemon TI:
Axe port of Pokemon Red/Blue to the 83+/84+ family. On hold.

Spoiler For Nostalgia:
My big personal project, an original RPG about dimensional travel and a few heroes tasked with saving the world.
Coding-wise, on hold, but I am re-working the story.

Spoiler For Finale's Super Insane Tunnel Pack of Doom:
I will be combining Blur and Collision Course into a single gamepack. On hold.

Spoiler For Nostalgia Origins: Sky's Story:
Prequel to Nostalgia. On hold, especially while the story is re-worked.

Offline Aichi

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2010, 07:33:24 pm »
The 8811 byte (I think?) limit is only for executable code, but you can put as much data as you can fit into a program. The 8kb limit applies to all programs, although nostub programs can't have more that about 8192 bytes of executable code.
Am I really just able to use <8Kb Code in my prog? Then I wonder how Desolate works.

Offline yunhua98

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2010, 07:35:35 pm »
Desolate isn't in Axe.  Also, when he says <8kb, he means the Source code, otherwise you get a memory error.  but if you compile into an App, your limit is 16kb.  You can also use BASIC programs to link them together and XCOPY to Archive/Unarchive stuff though.  I think that's how FinaleTI is circumventing the limit with Poemon TI.

That looks very nice!  how large will this be?  because you may have to use BASIC to cirucmvent the 8kb limit.  unless you're going to make this an APP?  either way, it looks cool so far.  ;)
At the moment my sprite/map data and my code are compiled into one ion program,
but I will have to shift the data into external appvars / progs later.
So there will be the code in an ion prog with a size of ~16KB (I think I can store so much code
as I want, since I saw that Desolate can hold 22KB) and 1 or 2 files with my sprites, maps and character
data (the character data is changable and I have to put this data into the main file if I cant modify ROM files).
The 8811 byte (I think?) limit is only for executable code, but you can put as much data as you can fit into a program. The 8kb limit applies to all programs, although nostub programs can't have more that about 8192 bytes of executable code.
Do you mean The 8811 byte (I think?) limit is only for Source code instead of  "The 8811 byte (I think?) limit is only for executable code"?  or am I missing something?

EDIT:  eh?  where did Finale's post go?
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 07:37:41 pm by yunhua98 »

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Have you seen any good news-worthy programs/events?  If so, PM me with an article to be included in the next issue of CGPN!
The Game is only a demo, the code that allows one to win hasn't been done.
To paraphrase Oedipus, Hamlet, Lear, and all those guys, "I wish I had known this some time ago."
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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2010, 07:52:42 pm »
an executable asm prog, be it written in pure asm or compiled axe, can contain no more than the 8k limit for executable code. programs can be larger than that limit, but any data beyond the 8811th byte(or whatever it is) must be read-only data (str1 or whatever, if you're using axe). if you are using axe, however, staying under this limit can be tricky because some of the subroutines(like DispGraph or whatever) get stored at the end of the program, and, if the compiler runs into a data storage command before then(again, str1 or whatever), it will append the data before the subroutine code instead of putting all the data at the end.
just clearing things up because it looked like there was still some confusion after finale's post.

Aichi: just use an app and then put all your data in appvars or progs

Offline FinaleTI

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2010, 08:01:22 pm »
Desolate isn't in Axe.  Also, when he says <8kb, he means the Source code, otherwise you get a memory error.  but if you compile into an App, your limit is 16kb.  You can also use BASIC programs to link them together and XCOPY to Archive/Unarchive stuff though.  I think that's how FinaleTI is circumventing the limit with Poemon TI.

That looks very nice!  how large will this be?  because you may have to use BASIC to cirucmvent the 8kb limit.  unless you're going to make this an APP?  either way, it looks cool so far.  ;)
At the moment my sprite/map data and my code are compiled into one ion program,
but I will have to shift the data into external appvars / progs later.
So there will be the code in an ion prog with a size of ~16KB (I think I can store so much code
as I want, since I saw that Desolate can hold 22KB) and 1 or 2 files with my sprites, maps and character
data (the character data is changable and I have to put this data into the main file if I cant modify ROM files).
The 8811 byte (I think?) limit is only for executable code, but you can put as much data as you can fit into a program. The 8kb limit applies to all programs, although nostub programs can't have more that about 8192 bytes of executable code.
Do you mean The 8811 byte (I think?) limit is only for Source code instead of  "The 8811 byte (I think?) limit is only for executable code"?  or am I missing something?

EDIT:  eh?  where did Finale's post go?
The executable code, as in the actual programming can't exceed 8kb, but with data the program could theoretically be as large as 24kb. The 8kb code limit applies to any Axe or Asm program. A lot of Mirage or Ion programs have all their data in the program, making them the 20-22kb programs you see, although their executable code doesn't exceed the 8kb limit. Nostub programs can be the same way, but for some reason (on TI's part) they can't be bigger than 8192 or so bytes to be run from the homescreen. That 8192 bytes is the entire program size, including data. I believe running one from a shell gets around this issue, but they still can't have more than 8kb of executable code, and their max amount of executable code is a couple hundred bytes less than the executable code limit in a Mirage, Ion or DCS program. Apps can have up to 16kb on one page, data and code. Since Axe only supports single page apps right now, any app made with Axe can only be up to 16kb total size. One way to circumvent the code limit, as yunhua said, is to use a basic program as your main program and have it launch Asm programs (nostub, of course, as they can be run from the homescreen and basic programs without any external libs.

Spoiler For Projects:

My projects haven't been worked on in a while, so they're all on hiatus for the time being. I do hope to eventually return to them in some form or another...

Spoiler For Pokemon TI:
Axe port of Pokemon Red/Blue to the 83+/84+ family. On hold.

Spoiler For Nostalgia:
My big personal project, an original RPG about dimensional travel and a few heroes tasked with saving the world.
Coding-wise, on hold, but I am re-working the story.

Spoiler For Finale's Super Insane Tunnel Pack of Doom:
I will be combining Blur and Collision Course into a single gamepack. On hold.

Spoiler For Nostalgia Origins: Sky's Story:
Prequel to Nostalgia. On hold, especially while the story is re-worked.

Offline yunhua98

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2010, 08:03:45 pm »
ok, that makes more sense, I guess I wasn't compltely reight.  :P

btw, FinaleTI:  your close to 666.  :o

Spoiler For =====My Projects=====:
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On hold for Contest.

Spoiler For ===Staff Memberships===:

Have you seen any good news-worthy programs/events?  If so, PM me with an article to be included in the next issue of CGPN!
The Game is only a demo, the code that allows one to win hasn't been done.
To paraphrase Oedipus, Hamlet, Lear, and all those guys, "I wish I had known this some time ago."
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Offline FinaleTI

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2010, 08:10:38 pm »
ok, that makes more sense, I guess I wasn't compltely reight.  :P

btw, FinaleTI:  your close to 666.  :o
I can feel the power rising.... >:D

Spoiler For Projects:

My projects haven't been worked on in a while, so they're all on hiatus for the time being. I do hope to eventually return to them in some form or another...

Spoiler For Pokemon TI:
Axe port of Pokemon Red/Blue to the 83+/84+ family. On hold.

Spoiler For Nostalgia:
My big personal project, an original RPG about dimensional travel and a few heroes tasked with saving the world.
Coding-wise, on hold, but I am re-working the story.

Spoiler For Finale's Super Insane Tunnel Pack of Doom:
I will be combining Blur and Collision Course into a single gamepack. On hold.

Spoiler For Nostalgia Origins: Sky's Story:
Prequel to Nostalgia. On hold, especially while the story is re-worked.

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Re: Xeverion
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2010, 04:07:27 am »
THis project seems really nice. To get around the code limit, make sure to use data for most stuff instead of hardcoding everything. Good luck!