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Quote from: Builderboy on November 15, 2010, 07:45:00 pmThis is what i think he is doing. He has an appvar full of data, and since this data sets are random length, you can't know where one starts and another ends. How to fix this? Well if we have 10 sets of data, we can have 10 numbers at the begining of the appvar. The first number will say "The first data set is X bytes from the begining of this appavar" and so on. When you store text into a pointer in Axe, the pointer holds the location of the text. So after "1234"->Str1, Str1 holds the location of the String "1234". Well, programs in assembly (and axe) *always* start at the location 40341. So if Str1 is 10 bytes after the start of the program, it will be located at 40351. If we want to find out how far Str1 is from the start of the program, we just subtract the location of the string (40351) from the start of the program (40341), and we get 10 Yeah, this is exactly what my plan is. The major problem is following:Axe dont allow that I have this Code: [Select] Data(Str1-40341) in my code, before I use this command: Code: [Select] "ABC"->Str1 Quote from: Aichi on November 15, 2010, 08:38:01 amBut (unlike all pure asm compilers I know) Axe is not allowing to use pointers before these pointers are defined.I could put the Data( with all pointers into the last line and update the pointer to this Data( in the main code always when I change something in the language pack, but this wouldnt be efficient developing, huh?So, the best solution for the problem would be that Quigibo let the compiler search for Str1 in the whole code, when Str1 is used before it is defined. While it isn't able to use the Data( in the first line, I have no other choice but I must put the Data( into the last line.However, website update: http://xeverion.net.tc/ Added basic infos and the recent screenshot.
This is what i think he is doing. He has an appvar full of data, and since this data sets are random length, you can't know where one starts and another ends. How to fix this? Well if we have 10 sets of data, we can have 10 numbers at the begining of the appvar. The first number will say "The first data set is X bytes from the begining of this appavar" and so on. When you store text into a pointer in Axe, the pointer holds the location of the text. So after "1234"->Str1, Str1 holds the location of the String "1234". Well, programs in assembly (and axe) *always* start at the location 40341. So if Str1 is 10 bytes after the start of the program, it will be located at 40351. If we want to find out how far Str1 is from the start of the program, we just subtract the location of the string (40351) from the start of the program (40341), and we get 10
But (unlike all pure asm compilers I know) Axe is not allowing to use pointers before these pointers are defined.
Nice, didn't notice a website there Looks good so far!What host are you using? Is it FREE? if so, Pyyrix and RandC might get their own websites
* DJ Omnimaga wonders if there were any more work on this since last update
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 26, 2010, 06:05:27 pm* DJ Omnimaga wonders if there were any more work on this since last updateSome planned stuff, but not much, though.The code will be too extensive to be in a singlepaged app.A thing to solve this issue were splitting the code intosome subprograms and call them by Hybrid BASIC, but I don'tlike this method, since the result would be altogether 7-8 files.Also, I'm designing the code using many subroutines to call data and optimaze things, so every of these subprograms had to contain the same routines.Anyway, this would be the best solution that is currently avaible.I rather wait for the avaibility of compiling code into multipaged applications.I don't know whether Quigibo will be able to include such a feature.Else I'll wait for the next programming language he metioned to create maybe here.I'm still planning some stuff I mention on my Xeverion website.Otherwise, I'm creating stuff with Blender (The website background for example)and I thought about making Super Smash Bros. / Little Fighter II for TI.
Well, you could keep it all Axe by creating all the programs you need, then copying their code to appvars. Then, when you ran the program/app and needed one of those programs, you could create a temp program and copy the code from the necessary appvar and run the newly created program with some Hex ASM.
or wait till the prizm with a C sdk and make add ins up to 1 MB each O.o and 16 bit colorz...or wait till axe supports multipage apps.