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Wow great! I think there should be both an Axe and assembly version. Maybe the later could be an Axiom? As for the Axe version there should be some doc on what to modify in the engine maybe.
can anyone tell me what a raycaster does? looks to me like 3d!!!!
ld de,12DrawWallSliceLoop: ld a,c or (hl) ld (hl),a add hl,de djnz DrawWallSliceLoop
DrawWallSliceLoop: ld de,(var_N) ld bc,(var_R)WallSpriteShiftLoop: ld a,d or a jr nz,WallSpriteShiftEnd ld hl,var_S ld a,(hl) or a jr z,WallSpriteShiftEnd dec (hl) ld hl,(var_T) add hl,hl ld (var_T),hl ex de,hl add hl,bc ex de,hl jr WallSpriteShiftLoopWallSpriteShiftEnd: dec d ld (var_N),deDrawFirstWallPixel: ld hl,(var_P) push hl ld bc,-plotSScreen add hl,bc pop hl jr nc,DrawWallPixelSkip ld a,(var_T+1) rla jr nc,DrawWallPixelSkip ld a,(var_M) or (hl) ld (hl),aDrawWallPixelSkip: ld de,12 add hl,de ld (var_P),hl ld hl,(var_U) dec hl ld (var_U),hl ld a,h or l jr nz,DrawWallSliceLoop