Author Topic: Yahtzee, Axe edition RC 1  (Read 17206 times)

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Offline ACagliano

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Re: Yahtzee, Axe edition RC 1
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2016, 10:52:43 am »
Ok, update.

- as I believe this version is stable, the b has been removed from the version string
- getKey^r switched to a getCSC loop (getKey)
- roll key changed to [2nd]. Help Screen updated to reflect this.
- Hold on Roll 0 bug fixed
- Multiple Yahtzees changed to a Yahtzee Bonus

Screenshot updated has some graphical glitches I think root in jStified, since they do not occur at all on my calculator. I'll poke Kerm and see what he has to say.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 01:11:31 pm by ACagliano »

Offline chickendude

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Re: Yahtzee, Axe edition RC 1
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2016, 06:38:18 am »
This version looks much better :)

Here are some suggestions/ideas i've had:
- highlight the combos you've used already (XOR a black square over them) so you can easily see which combos you've already used.
- Replace the 'used' text with the points you scored for that combo
- Perhaps up/down could move the cursor to the other row? If you want things to line up, you can make the USED/score box the same size as the YATZ box.
- A way to see how many points you have in the top row (i believe it's 63 points you need to get the bonus)
- Turn off the run indicator. The hex code for bcall(_RunIndicOff) is EF7045. Axe may have another way to do this.
- It might be better to notify you that you're getting the +35, at first i thought it was a calculation glitch (eg. for 3 6's, it'd show 18+35 or something or have a text or button appear saying "BONUS").
- After selecting a combo, it might be better to clear the dice. Also, a rolling animation would look nice :)

This version is much better, i like the interface, too. Nice work!

Offline ACagliano

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Re: Yahtzee, Axe edition RC 1
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2016, 10:15:26 am »
- highlight the combos you've used already (XOR a black square over them) so you can easily see which combos you've already used.
- Replace the 'used' text with the points you scored for that combo
I could do that.

- Perhaps up/down could move the cursor to the other row? If you want things to line up, you can make the USED/score box the same size as the YATZ box.
I could also do that. Not too concerned about lining up exactly, but we'll see.

- A way to see how many points you have in the top row (i believe it's 63 points you need to get the bonus)
- Turn off the run indicator. The hex code for bcall(_RunIndicOff) is EF7045. Axe may have another way to do this.
- It might be better to notify you that you're getting the +35, at first i thought it was a calculation glitch (eg. for 3 6's, it'd show 18+35 or something or have a text or button appear saying "BONUS").

I could create separate score and bonus boxes. However, currently, a + symbol appears to the far right of the score box when a bonus is being applied.

- After selecting a combo, it might be better to clear the dice. Also, a rolling animation would look nice :)
Sorry, but the program is already 6000 bytes. I wanted smaller, but animations are going to make the program even larger.

Offline ACagliano

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Re: Yahtzee, Axe edition RC 1
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2016, 08:31:00 pm »
Ok, some changes.

1. A complete rework the GUI. The High and Low score is moved to the left half of the top of the screen, the combo score and bonus points are moved into an inset in that top roll.

2. The combo listing is moved down, and the selected combo box is inverted. Already used combos are rendered with an X across them. When hovered over, the scored combo for that item is rendered, rather than the point value for the current roll.

3. The last box on the top row now sums the points for the first 6.

4. Die are reset after a roll. Default is a ? symbol. Screenshot and version enclosed.

Offline chickendude

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Re: Yahtzee, Axe edition RC 1
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2016, 10:52:49 am »
Ok, i finally got around to testing this out and this version is great! Here are a couple things i noticed when testing it out:
1. The run indicator. A Google search says DiagnosticOff turns off the run indicator. (DiagnosticOn turns it back on)
2. I think the main menu should also accept 2nd.
3. I wonder if using another key other than Enter to select a combo would make sense? Maybe Alpha. Enter isn't where you normally place your fingers when playing a game and i found i kept mixing Enter and 2nd up for rolling the dice, though usually it's not an issue since the cursor is on the last item you picked anyway.
4. I'm not sure if it's just me or not, but i found a lot of times the dice didn't change or didn't change much. I had the same numbers in the same order. I'm not sure if it's just the PRNG routine or another issue, it was just something i noticed happening often enough to stand out.
5. I'm also not sure if it'd make more sense to jump to the main menu after finishing a round. Putting a high score on the main menu page would be nice, too, as would being able to input your initials or something :)
6. [edit] When getting the bonus for the top row, it seems you can see the points appear in the + square, but after you get the points you can't see that you've gotten it. Maybe you could have a token or something that appears in the blank space in the middle, one token for the top row and an additional token each time you get Yahtzee? (i haven't gotten a Yahtzee yet in this new version).

The dice rolling wouldn't take up much extra space, you just randomly draw a dice sprite (which you've already drawn) a few times over the slots which aren't being held. The question marks after selecting the combo is a nice touch, btw.

Anyway, i think it's great, it feels finished (apart from the run indicator) as is, great work and thanks!

Btw, while playing another game before posting, i just came across this (see attached screenshots). I believe the first screenshot should let me have a small straight (5 4 6 3 -> 3 4 5 6) but it shows up as 0 points. The final roll i got another 3, i'm not sure if it let me have the small straight because of that 3 or because it was the final roll.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 11:00:53 am by chickendude »

Offline ACagliano

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Re: Yahtzee, Axe edition RC 1
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2016, 04:05:28 pm »
Sorry for the reply delay in this. Since my old calculator is broken, link wise, i cannot update this program myself so anyone who wants to can fix or modify anything needing it and repost and add their name to it.

On to the reported bugs/issues:
1. I could have sworn that was actually put in there and had no effect? I can have a look at the source later and update.
2. That is something that could be added, certainly.
3. I thought Enter was a more straightforward key for entering something lol. But if the lot of you agree it should be moved, we can move it.
4. Thats a RNG thing. I forget how I set up the seed. If memory serves, it was simply rand as provided in Axe.
5. Also, doable.
6. I was worried about screen space for a lot of stuff. In the current setup, the points tally next to the selection for the 1-6's is your indicator of whether or not you achieved that bonus. I could toss a character in it. There seems to be room.

Dice rolling: the program was already getting high in size, so i did without animations. I might make a version for the CE that is a little better.

Thanks for the feedback. Happy to finally have a decent, nice looking project out for people to use (i dont exactly count my polynomials program on that list haha)

That last issue is very strange. I thought all kinks with the SS/LS finding algorithm were worked out, but it seems to still be there. I'll look into it and report what i find.

Offline chickendude

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Re: Yahtzee, Axe edition RC 1
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2016, 07:52:35 am »
It's been a while since i played it, but you did a great job :)

I believe there's a (or a couple) IDEs that support AXE which along with an emulator would make a nice developing environment if you wanted to continue working on AXE projects. Not sure if they're available for Mac though. Sorry to hear about your calc's linkport, though.