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PTT = Push to test, triggered by pressing ON while holding left and right arrows.Compiled with 100% MIMAS 0.2.
ld hl,Textbcall PutSretText:DB "TO BE DISPLAYED",0
The input for the bcall PutS is the pointer to the string to be dispayed in hl.Example:Code: [Select]ld hl,Textbcall PutSretText:DB "TO BE DISPLAYED",0
LD HL,0LD (penCol),HLLD HL,StrGetKeysBCALL PutS...scrolls down to StrGetKeys...StrGetKeys:DB "Enter PassCode",0
nope. the OS automatically checks the first byte to see if it is $83 before running it.also, my previous post was #100000
This is like the second topic in the past 24 hours mimicking my raycaster's subject format! Regarding the topic at hand, I don't know much about hooks but I'll throw out a wild guess here. Is this problem possibly due to the same reason that PutS doesn't work in Apps? In which case the solution would be to use a PutC loop?Another possible cause: Is your source code set to originate at the location the hook will exist in RAM? If not, StrGetKeys would be compiled to an incorrect value.