heh heh. This looks like a fun game. Love the blood. XDThankee sir
Demo please!!!
Edit 1111th post
Looks really good, do zombies come from the other direction as well?
Wooow !
Is it in full speed mode or not ?
Hm, according to contest rules I'm not allowed to release until results are out...Until then I will be balance testing, etc. I think it should be ready in about a week (or so).^This. Just don't do like what some Cemetech Contest 2010 participants have done when the contest ends, though: A bunch have never actually bothered to release their entry to public and some entries got released half a year later. D:
Woah this looks awesome!Yay! Thanks :)
(Side note: When i read "Zombie Gun" I thought of Bakuman, then I found out you made this program, and I went, "Oh that makes sense.")
Wow, this is looking pretty awesome! I like the large selection of weapons and the blood effects. If you know how you could make just the title screen grayscale.Thanks! I've actually added two or three more weapons since the last update. The most powerful one is called a RAM Cannon, and it shoots random pieces of memory at the zombies XD. I'd have a screenie but...eh
How about a release too! :) pleaseIT's a contest entry. He can't release it until the results have been published. ;)
Screenie? Please! Yes!Some here http://ourl.ca/14548/280621
...a new updated screenie, with the RAM cannon.Yeah, I can get that up soon I guess. Originally I had been planning to add more stuff before making a new screen, but then I kinda forgot haha. Sorry! I'll get it soon (I'm not on the right computer atm)
BTW, when does the contest end?No one knows....hahaha. I'll get a release as soon as possible though
This is the first time I try this. Awesome game. Bug report, however: When you buy a new weapon, it has 0 ammo, even if the shop claims it comes with 10, 2, etc. Also if I buy the 3rd weapon, my inventory has the 2nd instead.Yeah, I need to fix the title screen controls. Also DJ, are you working with the old version (~10k) or the newer one (~11k)? Those bugs should be fixed in the newer one. By the way, the number displayed for ammo in the shop is how much ammo costs. In the new version all weapons are preloaded with 50 bullets, while in the old alpha they came with 0.
Also menu controls are too sensitive on the title screen. It might be best to make them like the shop.
Sometimes (about 1/2 the time) when I am playing and I hit Clear to save and exit, it says "saving" and then when I turn the calc back on the RAM is cleared and I lose my save file. It is really frustrating. Could you fix this? Also you should make it so you can save the game in the shop.Oh no! That is something I have to fix, definitely. Can you think of any possible thing that could be triggering it? Hm, it's also possible that it's unstable because of the fact that it's over 8811 bytes. Maybe I'll just make it an app...
Loop through enemy entries
Take the difference between enemy X and player X
If the zombie is in view (absolute value of difference in line 2 less than 50)
Draw zombie
If it's spawning
Spawn further
If it didn't get hit by a bullet
Use difference from line 2 to figure out which direction the zombie should move
Assign speed random number between 0 and max speed (depends on what kind of zombie)
Change x by speed
If zombie is close to player
Decrease health by damage ratio (again depending on what kind of zombie)
Are you using Fullrene or Crabcake?Nope. Lol.
Are you using Fullrene or Crabcake?Nope. Lol.
Wait a minute...how is it even running if it's over 8811 bytes??? O.o
And also there is a zombie that looks weird when it is animated.Is it one that looks like it's dancing, or does it look completely glitched? Also, what level were you on?
It is the one that comes up after the dancing zombie that is glitched, and it looks completely glitched.Damn, I don't know what's causing this problem...
It did take me a while to find the attachment, perhaps you could put it on the first post? I know there's that SMF View all attachments feature but I think you have to view the topic in the particular board, and that took a while.Done. Thanks!
Anyway it looks really cool, am in the process of trying it.
You could try adding different chars, or those houses in the original game ^^Perhaps. I like the jumping more than the houses, but I think I'm planning to maybe implement a fourth set of objects: pick-upable items? Zombies could drop money, ammo, and health... The only thing is, how would I deal with the ammo? You'd want it loaded to the best weapon, but the best weapon doesn't necessarily have the most ammo, etc. you know what I mean?
By the way once you finished this, do you have any plan for more calculator projects, including reviving Ash?Yes...I think so :D
Also you should add a pause feature.The weapon menu does that pretty well I think...
The weapon menu does that pretty well I think...How did I not think of that?? :banghead:
I thought that was the whole point. Screw up management of your supplies, and you've screwed yourself over. I liked that. Although, That made the KF7 the only thing economically worth it, because the ammo for everything else was way too expensive.Yeah, management of supplies will still be very important, but there'll just be a slim chance of survival now instead of certain death :)
That reminds me... would it be a good idea to add flying zombies and allow shooting vertically/diagonally?
or adding a boss stage. :DI was thinking about this: it is possible I think. Hm...
Yeah, I know about those glitches, I can't figure out what's causing them though -_-. The sprite data is formatted the same as all the others...It looks to me like the sprite data are missing. That'd be my guess.
I haven't been able to work on this recently, been on a lot of trips recently (and heading off on another one tomorrow x.x)
It looks to me like the sprite data are missing. That'd be my guess.Not exactly: I guess it's easier for me since I know what it's supposed to look like, but the sprite data is there. It's just scrambled :(
I think this version had some issues loading the health properly-- did it change after you had quit and then loaded?. If it just "randomly" changed to 426% then I'm not entirely sure what could've caused it...I don't know what version he has, but I remember the first one having some hilarious bugs with the HP, like if you get enough damage at once, it underflows and now you've got a gigantic amount of HP. I think that may be happening, because "Dead" shows up as 407HP
As for continuing, I'm currently working on another project but might come back to this if I have time/need a break from Ash:Phoenix.
Thanks for the report, and it's nice to know people are enjoying my game :)
I'm bringing Zombie Gun back from the grave--better, faster, stronger; I have the technology.
Planned Changes:
Missing Zombie Sprites
Health Underflow
Ammo Cost Overflows
Screwy Achievements
Game Changes:
Ability to buy your health back after you die (if you have enough cash)
Improved Ammo purchasing
More Achievements!
better, faster, stronger; I have the technology.++ for using 6 million dollar man quote <,<
From scratch? Sounds cool. :DNot from scratch; That'd take forever. (and I'd probably spend 80 Million Years on the sprites). I have the sources, and I'm gonna, basically, Finish the game.
Good luck, IIRC the code is really messy since I changed coding style halfway through :xMessy code is nothing I'm unused to, sadly. >.>
Nice! :D screenies soon?All I've got so far is a subtle balance tweak (no more camping in corners!), but I've got other things in the works too.