
Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI Z80 => Topic started by: squidgetx on December 19, 2011, 10:34:02 pm

Title: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on December 19, 2011, 10:34:02 pm
Latest Update (

No screenies atm, but I've started a new project (likely for ceme contest 8 )

It's similar to the iOS Zombieville, where you control a guy fighting off the endless hoards of zombies so that your own brain doesn't get eaten.

The premise: Shoot the zombies. With guns. Lots of bullets. That sort of thing. (Still working out some of the details)

I'll keep you guys posted.

One thing: I'm thinking about an alternative style control scheme: you  move left/right with 2nd and MODE and use the arrows to shoot in either direction independent of what direction you are moving in. Thoughts?

Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: saintrunner on December 19, 2011, 10:35:58 pm
So is this like a 'god' view or a raycasted view, or what? Sounds really cool!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on December 19, 2011, 10:44:26 pm
Nah, it's just a sidescroller. I was going to make it top-down like Geometry Wars, but I think that it's actually more fun this way :P
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: saintrunner on December 19, 2011, 10:48:46 pm
Hmm, your control scheme, in that case, is the same as what I have been using in Seeker, but opposite....AND I REALLY LIKE IT IN SEEKER!! lol :) I think it will work great, Good luck
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: LincolnB on December 20, 2011, 03:35:52 pm
I'm not familiar with Zombieville, so I can't give any suggestions. Maybe prototype both and ... oh wait. You can't release any code or demos before the contest. Never mind, is there a flash version?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on December 20, 2011, 04:03:22 pm
Here's a screenshot

The bullet/enemy collision detection seems a little glitchy, I'll have to look at that code over again :P I think I might actually just be displaying the enemy sprites/positions wrongly...
Also I need a new zombie sprite haha
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: yunhua98 on December 20, 2011, 04:34:23 pm
heh heh.  This looks like a fun game.  Love the blood.  XD
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: saintrunner on December 20, 2011, 04:36:41 pm
By 'I need a new zombie sprite' so you mean....'Can someone do that for me' or 'I will change it later'? lol AND It looks AWESOME!!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on December 20, 2011, 08:20:12 pm
Haha, I'll probably make one later, I don't think I'm allowed to ask for help under the Cemetech contest rules anyway
heh heh.  This looks like a fun game.  Love the blood.  XD
Thankee sir
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: epic7 on December 20, 2011, 08:21:59 pm
Whoa, what is that first gun?

I like those zombie sprites :P
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: saintrunner on December 20, 2011, 08:22:13 pm
Oh yeah I forgot this was for a contest...sorry, ......I'm I'll probably go make one for fun....But I won't post it anywhere to avoid confusion or suspicion towards your game lol, Good Luck :)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Nick on December 20, 2011, 08:25:41 pm
looks good :)

@ epic7, i think tthat's just a bug/glitch, it seems that something (the gun if those are 2 different sprites but i don't think so) is displayed above the figure, and it's not a special gun, is it?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: TIfanx1999 on December 21, 2011, 01:51:03 am
<3 Zombies. It looks like this is gonna be pretty epic. :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: LincolnB on December 21, 2011, 12:00:13 pm
Looks really good, do zombies come from the other direction as well?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: annoyingcalc on December 21, 2011, 10:36:13 pm
Demo please!!!

Edit 1111th post
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: leafy on December 21, 2011, 10:43:12 pm
Demo please!!!

Edit 1111th post

He can't. It's a contest entry.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: annoyingcalc on December 21, 2011, 10:46:25 pm
oh D:
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on December 22, 2011, 07:21:22 pm
Looks really good, do zombies come from the other direction as well?

Yeah eventually they will. The generation routine I'm using was thrown together for the purposes of the screenshot.

I've fixed all the display bugs and am now playing with the idea of an epic new style of map/movement. I won't share details just yet in case it doesn't work out, but it involves rotating things....hehe
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on December 25, 2011, 11:55:55 pm
The Game seems interesting. I wish you good luck for the contest. :)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on January 11, 2012, 07:13:02 pm
Finally got back to work on this. I decided to go for an old-school screen-inverted color scheme which I think looks pretty nice.

To do:
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: saintrunner on January 11, 2012, 07:16:54 pm
This looks really good :) Nice job
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Nick on January 12, 2012, 01:05:53 am
the new sprites are looking really nice, and it runs smooth :)

and a shop will be very nice, new guns, maybe protections kits, like suits or so?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: leafy on January 12, 2012, 01:27:10 am
If it's anything like the real game, it'll have weapons, weapon upgrades, and health ^^
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: TIfanx1999 on January 12, 2012, 10:35:13 am
Hmm... I'm not sure how I feel about the inverted screen, but the game still looks like it's gonna be awesome. =)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Nick on January 12, 2012, 10:51:49 am
i like the inverted screen, since that gives the 'spooky' effect, isn't it? i like it the way it is now..
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on January 18, 2012, 04:36:47 pm

Parallax scrolling background ftw. Began work on the shop/HUD and level progression. It's coming along nicely :)

Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: saintrunner on January 18, 2012, 04:43:03 pm
WOW! lookin really good squidgetx! I really like the menu screen!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: TIfanx1999 on January 18, 2012, 09:14:48 pm
The new parallax scrolling background looks really nice! Keep up the good work! =)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: hellninjas on January 18, 2012, 09:51:55 pm
This looks really neat!
I like the bullet collision explosions!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: kindermoumoute on January 19, 2012, 11:52:31 am
Wooow !
Is it in full speed mode or not ?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on January 19, 2012, 08:01:54 pm
Wooow !
Is it in full speed mode or not ?

Nope, 6mhz ;) , compiled via the Zoom feature.

Currently working on the shop, money, spawn animations, and balance. Trying to keep it under 8811...
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: TIfanx1999 on January 20, 2012, 09:06:18 am
Very nice! If it does get too big you could always make it an app...
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: C0deH4cker on January 20, 2012, 11:14:36 am
Maybe you could add the houses to the background, so that whenever the guy goes in front of a house and presses up he goes in and loots the house, just like in the original Zombieville USA.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on January 23, 2012, 03:19:16 pm
Submitted to the contest! I'm happy to say that it is almost done, but I'm holding out on a final release because i'm thinking about fixing some balance issues and adding more achievements.

Completed since last update:
-Achievements (Press MODE at the title screen)
-Fully functional store plus 8 new weapons
-Armor/Health at the store
-Faster, stronger, healthier zombies as the levels go up
-Random location spawn
-Spawn animation
-Many, many bugfixes

Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on January 23, 2012, 03:24:42 pm
THis looks really great. I only got time to check out two entry topics so far since the contest started and now I'm seeing this one too. I like the parralaz scrolling. Are there any platforms/walls or is it always just the floor at the bottom?

Can't wait until contest judging ends so you can release it to public :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Deep Toaster on January 24, 2012, 09:26:25 am
This is late, but wow, that looks like a really, really fun game. I'll have to try it when you do make that final release!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on January 26, 2012, 05:40:37 pm
Hm, according to contest rules I'm not allowed to release until results are out...Until then I will be balance testing, etc. I think it should be ready in about a week (or so).

In the meantime, I've added 2 more weapons, am thinking about more achievements, and working on expanding the money to a 3 or 4 byte value (With either max 6,553,500 or 6,553,500,000)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Deep Toaster on January 26, 2012, 10:24:11 pm
I don't think you could store 6,553,500,000 in four bytes... Why not max 4,294,967,295 (2 ^ 32 - 1)?

Anyway, can't wait ;D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on January 27, 2012, 08:12:55 pm
Woops you're right, off by 10. And I figured using the factor of 100 or 10000 might be cleaner but then I just now remembered that multiplication by powers of 2 is faster and smaller anyway lol
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on January 27, 2012, 09:49:00 pm
Hm, according to contest rules I'm not allowed to release until results are out...Until then I will be balance testing, etc. I think it should be ready in about a week (or so).
^This. Just don't do like what some Cemetech Contest 2010 participants have done when the contest ends, though: A bunch have never actually bothered to release their entry to public and some entries got released half a year later. D:
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on January 28, 2012, 02:08:13 am
Wow, this is looking pretty awesome! I like the large selection of weapons and the blood effects. If you know how you could make just the title screen grayscale.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: guy6020665 on February 02, 2012, 08:36:25 pm
Woah this looks awesome!

(Side note: When i read "Zombie Gun" I thought of Bakuman, then I found out you made this program, and I went, "Oh that makes sense.")
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on February 05, 2012, 09:14:30 pm
Woah this looks awesome!
Yay! Thanks :)

(Side note: When i read "Zombie Gun" I thought of Bakuman, then I found out you made this program, and I went, "Oh that makes sense.")

Haha..yeah :P
Wow, this is looking pretty awesome! I like the large selection of weapons and the blood effects. If you know how you could make just the title screen grayscale.
Thanks! I've actually added two or three more weapons since the last update. The most powerful one is called a RAM Cannon, and it shoots random pieces of memory at the zombies XD. I'd have a screenie
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: TIfanx1999 on February 06, 2012, 08:30:47 am
The RAM cannon sounds awesome! :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on February 16, 2012, 09:38:36 pm
Screenie? Please! Yes!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: saintrunner on February 16, 2012, 09:41:22 pm
How about a release too! :) please
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: parserp on February 16, 2012, 09:42:23 pm
How about a release too! :) please
IT's a contest entry. He can't release it until the results have been published. ;)

btw, does anybody know how soon the judging will be done?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: saintrunner on February 16, 2012, 09:44:29 pm
Aaah yes I forgot :P
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 16, 2012, 10:37:40 pm
Screenie? Please! Yes!
Some here
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on February 16, 2012, 10:38:50 pm
Well, I should have been more specific, but I meant a new updated screenie, with the RAM cannon.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 16, 2012, 10:39:41 pm
Oh ok. It would be nice too I guess. I haven't seen Squidgetx very often lately, though (posting-wise) so I don't know how long it will take. X.x
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on February 16, 2012, 10:41:55 pm
Yeah.. Ok.
BTW, when does the contest end?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on February 17, 2012, 09:06:30 pm
Oh hai guys :) Nice to know people like the game!

...a new updated screenie, with the RAM cannon.
Yeah, I can get that up soon I guess. Originally I had been planning to add more stuff before making a new screen, but then I kinda forgot haha. Sorry! I'll get it soon (I'm not on the right computer atm)
BTW, when does the contest end?
No one knows....hahaha. I'll get a release as soon as possible though
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 17, 2012, 09:08:24 pm
Nice to see you again. I can't wait to try that game and also for Ash:Phoenix updates. :P
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on February 18, 2012, 12:12:23 am
Oh, cool. :)
??? The RAM Cannon shoots bits of memory??
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on February 22, 2012, 06:04:20 pm
Finally, update and release! Zombie Gun finished 3rd in the contest :O

This is now open for bug and balance testing. I'm not yet done with this game, much more is to come!

New features since contest entry alpha:
-Unique sprites for zombie types
-New weapons, making for a total of 13.
-Balance fixes


Here's a quick screenie showing off all 13 weapons and most of the game mechanics.

Enjoy~ The zip contains the contest alpha (and important readme), and Zombies.8xp is the newer beta

Spoiler For readme:
Zombie Gun
by squidgetx
An Axe Parser 1.1.1 Project

Zombies have taken over the entire world. They've managed to eat out the brains of everyone in the entire world...except for you and your arms dealer. They've also conveniently managed to eat the entire world except for one little patch of land. Oh, and it's permanently night-time... How long can YOU survive?

Playing the Game

1. Installation
Send ZOMBIES.8xp to your calculator and run with any Ion-compatible shell

2. Title screen
Choose whether you want to start a new game, continue an old one, or save/quit the game.

Arrows: Move cursor
2nd: Select
Mode: View Achievements (7)

3. Store
Purchase weapons, armor upgrades, and healing power. Once you buy a weapon, click to buy it again to purchase ammunition for it. Use up/down to cycle by 50 bullets or left/right to cycle by 1. Weapons come preloaded with 50 free shots.

Arrows: Select
2nd: Select
Mode: View Inventory (5)
Clear: Continue Game (4)

4. Main Game Screen
Check out your health bar, money, kills, and ammo in the top corner. Run around, kill things :D

Arrows: Move
2nd: Jump
Alpha: Shoot
Mode: View Inventory (5)
Clear: Save/Quit (6)

5. Inventory
View weapons in stock, ammo, etc. Use 2nd to equip one or the other (change weapons). Also functions as a handy pause function.

Arrows: Move cursor
2nd: Equip weapon

6. Saving and Quitting
You'll see a save message. It is currently archiving your life-stats and achievements appvar (ZGach). The save file is left in RAM (ZGsav) and may only be loaded from one time.

7. Achievements
Throughout the game you can unlock various achievements. When you unlock one (usually at the end of the level) a notification will appear. You can view your achievements in the Achievement screen by pressing MODE at the title screen.

Random Game Information
Due to the nature of the calculator and/or my own laziness, many of the stats are maxed at 65535. Because of this, the difficulty of the game will begin to plateau at about level 64. However, I seriously doubt you will be able to make it that far anyway. But you can try. Good luck!

Technical Stuff
Please make sure to have about 100 bytes of free RAM. Normally this shouldn't be a problem. I am not responsible for any damage this may cause to your calculator. For best results, I recommend that this program be run from archive with MOS or DCS7, and that you clear your RAM before playing. If there is not enough RAM, the program will auto-quit.

Legal Stuff
Blah Blah Blah No one actually cares right??? Well just in case....
This is freeware, you can do whatever you want to with it! Hopefully the feeling of being a huge scumbag will deter you to market/distribute this as your own work. This is also an open source project. The source is included in the folder called "Source" :O. You can do whatever you want with that too. Just credit me or something.

This game was written by me, squidgetx using Kevin Horowitz's amazing language/utility thing Axe Parser 1.1.1 for Cemetech Contest #8. Thanks to Kevin (aka Quigibo) for Axe, Kerm_Martian for Cemetech, Runer112 and Calc84Maniac, and the rest of Omnimaga and Cemetech community.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 22, 2012, 06:06:44 pm
Yay! You should put it in the Omni downloads section too (staff section) as well as the Cemetech archives so they're easier to find. :)

I'll try later. :)  By the way are there any platforms and stuff, or is the floor completely flat?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on February 22, 2012, 06:11:22 pm
Holy crap!!
This looks AMAZING!!!
Now I can download it. Yay!!
Now there are TONS of weapons! Coooooooooollllll!!
You should make the screen shake when you shoot a big gun like a bazooka or cannon.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on February 22, 2012, 06:12:11 pm
It's flat, which is something I've thought about changing, but I've mainly thought of the game as more arena-style so I've kept it thus far (Plus the engine is super optimized to take advantage of that)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on February 22, 2012, 06:16:32 pm
Also, how does this game go so fast?
Could you tell me some simple pseudo for the enemies?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 23, 2012, 01:07:46 am
This is the first time I try this. Awesome game. Bug report, however: When you buy a new weapon, it has 0 ammo, even if the shop claims it comes with 10, 2, etc. Also if I buy the 3rd weapon, my inventory has the 2nd instead.

Also menu controls are too sensitive on the title screen. It might be best to make them like the shop.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: kindermoumoute on February 23, 2012, 09:53:43 am
I try it... that's just awesome !
But I don't understand how to save a game... O_o
Achievement and best score are not displayed. :/

PS : My best score is wave 16... hard game. x)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on February 23, 2012, 04:53:36 pm
This is the first time I try this. Awesome game. Bug report, however: When you buy a new weapon, it has 0 ammo, even if the shop claims it comes with 10, 2, etc. Also if I buy the 3rd weapon, my inventory has the 2nd instead.

Also menu controls are too sensitive on the title screen. It might be best to make them like the shop.
Yeah, I need to fix the title screen controls. Also DJ, are you working with the old version (~10k) or the newer one (~11k)? Those bugs should be fixed in the newer one. By the way, the number displayed for ammo in the shop is how much ammo costs. In the new version all weapons are preloaded with 50 bullets, while in the old alpha they came with 0.

@Kinder, you can press MODE in the title screen to view achievements. I need to get high scores working though XD
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on February 23, 2012, 05:20:22 pm
Sometimes (about 1/2 the time) when I am playing and I hit Clear to save and exit, it says "saving" and then when I turn the calc back on the RAM is cleared and I lose my save file. It is really frustrating. Could you fix this? Also you should make it so you can save the game in the shop.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on February 23, 2012, 05:41:31 pm
Sometimes (about 1/2 the time) when I am playing and I hit Clear to save and exit, it says "saving" and then when I turn the calc back on the RAM is cleared and I lose my save file. It is really frustrating. Could you fix this? Also you should make it so you can save the game in the shop.
Oh no! That is something I have to fix, definitely. Can you think of any possible thing that could be triggering it? Hm, it's also possible that it's unstable because of the fact that it's over 8811 bytes. Maybe I'll just make it an app...

Also, earlier you asked for enemy pseudocode, which i forgot about. Sorry! Here it is:
Code: [Select]
Loop through enemy entries
 Take the difference between enemy X and player X 
 If the zombie is in view (absolute value of difference in line 2 less than 50)
   Draw zombie
 If it's spawning
  Spawn further
  If it didn't get hit by a bullet
  Use difference from line 2 to figure out which direction the zombie should move
  Assign speed random number between 0 and max speed (depends on what kind of zombie)
  Change x by speed
  If zombie is close to player
   Decrease health by damage ratio (again depending on what kind of zombie)

Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on February 23, 2012, 05:49:16 pm
Ha, thanks for the pseudo! :) :)
Yeah, hopefully it can be fixed. :)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: LincolnB on February 23, 2012, 06:23:59 pm
Are you using Fullrene or Crabcake?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on February 23, 2012, 07:57:33 pm
Are you using Fullrene or Crabcake?
Nope. Lol.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: LincolnB on February 24, 2012, 04:53:22 pm
Are you using Fullrene or Crabcake?
Nope. Lol.

Wait a is it even running if it's over 8811 bytes??? O.o
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on February 24, 2012, 06:15:59 pm
And also there is a zombie that looks weird when it is animated.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on February 24, 2012, 06:39:19 pm
Wait a is it even running if it's over 8811 bytes??? O.o

And also there is a zombie that looks weird when it is animated.
Is it one that looks like it's dancing, or does it look completely glitched? Also, what level were you on?

In the meantime, I'm currently remodeling the save/load system so that it's more usable and make more sense. This involves
-bug fixes
-you can only save in the store
-you can quit anywhere

Let me know if you guys have any other ideas/suggestions
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: kindermoumoute on February 24, 2012, 06:56:08 pm
- 3 difficult mode : Hard, medium, easy.

- Display some cheat/glitch after paste lvl 10/ lvl 20/... idk. :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: leafy on February 24, 2012, 06:59:31 pm
You could try adding different chars, or those houses in the original game ^^
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Jonius7 on February 25, 2012, 05:26:08 am
It did take me a while to find the attachment, perhaps you could put it on the first post? I know there's that SMF View all attachments feature but I think you have to view the topic in the particular board, and that took a while.
Anyway it looks really cool, am in the process of trying it.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on February 25, 2012, 04:14:40 pm
It is the one that comes up after the dancing zombie that is glitched, and it looks completely glitched.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: shmibs on February 25, 2012, 06:54:54 pm
sorry to not have said anything yet, squidget. i haven't had time to test many things recently.
the background looks fantastic, though =DD
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on February 27, 2012, 04:34:10 pm
It is the one that comes up after the dancing zombie that is glitched, and it looks completely glitched.
Damn, I don't know what's causing this problem...
It did take me a while to find the attachment, perhaps you could put it on the first post? I know there's that SMF View all attachments feature but I think you have to view the topic in the particular board, and that took a while.
Anyway it looks really cool, am in the process of trying it.
Done. Thanks!
You could try adding different chars, or those houses in the original game ^^
Perhaps. I like the jumping more than the houses, but I think I'm planning to maybe implement a fourth set of objects: pick-upable items? Zombies could drop money, ammo, and health... The only thing is, how would I deal with the ammo? You'd want it loaded to the best weapon, but the best weapon doesn't necessarily have the most ammo, etc. you know what I mean?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 06, 2012, 07:01:12 pm
By the way once you finished this, do you have any plan for more calculator projects, including reviving Ash?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on March 06, 2012, 10:08:09 pm
Also you should add a pause feature.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on March 08, 2012, 04:59:27 pm
By the way once you finished this, do you have any plan for more calculator projects, including reviving Ash?
Yes...I think so :D
Also you should add a pause feature.
The weapon menu does that pretty well I think...
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on March 08, 2012, 05:52:58 pm
The weapon menu does that pretty well I think...
How did I not think of that??  :banghead:
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: hellninjas on March 09, 2012, 11:35:46 am
I love how this is coming along, and cant wait for further progress :)
(Im addicted)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on March 29, 2012, 04:56:01 pm
Apologies for this outrageously delayed update XD

New stuff:
-Different types of zombies have varying HP along with speed and strength
-You can save in the shop only, which removed a lot of bugs with saving and loading. Hit Y= in the shop to save your game! The "Clear to Quit" instruction line was replaced with "Y= to save," but Clear will still move you on to the next level. Does anyone have any suggestions on what button I should use to quit the game from the shop?
-High score functions added
-Bug fixes (sadly, the glitching zombie sprite is not yet fixed)
-The weapons screen 'remembers' what weapon you have selected (so it doesn't reset all the time)
Things to do:
-Change title screen sensitivity as well as add an option to view achievements instead of using MODE
-Pickup-ables! I realized that once you enter the level, you're kind of trapped. If you misjudged how much ammo you needed, you're screwed. So to fix that, and to add a bit of a random element to the game, money, health, ammo, and powerups will be in pickupable item form!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: hellninjas on March 29, 2012, 04:56:56 pm
:O awesome stuff !
But sir, i see that you have double posted the same stuffz, blam your clicking habbits!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on March 29, 2012, 05:03:21 pm
Woops haha that is indeed true. Fixed now :P
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 29, 2012, 05:20:10 pm
Glad to see an update. I'll have to try the game again when I have some time. :)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: nxtboy III on March 29, 2012, 06:13:27 pm
Nice! Pickup-able items!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on March 29, 2012, 06:16:19 pm
I thought that was the whole point. Screw up management of your supplies, and you've screwed yourself over. I liked that. Although, That made the KF7 the only thing economically worth it, because the ammo for everything else was way too expensive.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on March 29, 2012, 07:58:26 pm
I thought that was the whole point. Screw up management of your supplies, and you've screwed yourself over. I liked that. Although, That made the KF7 the only thing economically worth it, because the ammo for everything else was way too expensive.
Yeah, management of supplies will still be very important, but there'll just be a slim chance of survival now instead of certain death :)

Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 30, 2012, 12:18:12 am
Yeah IMHO it's best to keep a certain balance. I don't like games where only one single mistake costs you the entire game even with high effort otherwise. Or for example in RPGs where magic costs so much MP that you can only use 3 spell in an entire dungeon
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Yeong on April 03, 2012, 07:21:32 pm
I haven't tried this game yet, but I will soon. Looks incredibly fun! :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on April 03, 2012, 07:26:55 pm
Thanks :D

Does anyone have ideas for powerups?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on April 03, 2012, 07:31:37 pm
Man on Fire: For a short time, you deal damage to zombies when you come in contact with them, at the cost of your own health.

Also, I think some sort of melee option should be present.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 03, 2012, 11:52:51 pm
Invincible: Take no damage for a few seconds
Invisible: You're invisible so zombies won't chase you for a while
Regen: Regain health gradually.
Insta-gib: Zombies die in one hit, no matter what weapon used, for a while. (This should probably be a rare, harder to get one)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on April 04, 2012, 01:37:18 am
Zombie repellent: for a short time, zombies run away from you
Bounce: You now bounce high—real high. But you can't stop. But you can shoot down.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: hellninjas on April 04, 2012, 01:42:46 am
Spray: You have unlimited ammo and fire extremely fast for a limited time, damage is based on the weapon your weilding.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on April 07, 2012, 12:42:22 pm
Thanks :D Half-update time!

I've managed to get the item system working pretty well :). When you kill something, there'll be a 25% chance an item is dropped. 50% of the time it will be money, 25% of the time it will be ammo, 12.5% of the time it will be health, and so on. Armor pickups are also available (6.25%). I haven't yet coded the actual power-ups yet XD that's next on my to-do list. Also armor has been made way better (5x more effective, since before it was kinda worthless haha)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: kindermoumoute on April 08, 2012, 05:02:07 am
Woow !

Where can I download it ?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: aeTIos on April 08, 2012, 05:15:14 pm
another powerup::  drain:If you get touched by a zombie you drain his health.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Yeong on April 09, 2012, 06:12:23 pm
but that's basically "invincibility" D:
I think that can possibly ruin the game a bit.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on April 09, 2012, 07:55:40 pm
Well, powerups are only going to last for a certain amount of time. I already had a shield/invincible powerup planned, so a drain would just be an extension of that. However, it would make it kind of hard to program...The code for removing a zombie and recording a kill is fairly complicated and embedded in the bullet code loop. The code for checking for zombies' proximity to the player are in a completely different place and environment :( I could make it that zombies lose health via drain, but they wouldn't be able to die. Would that be weird?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 09, 2012, 09:28:37 pm
I don't know, I guess it's best to not add that one if it makes it too complicated to implement. What other power ups are you planning, by the way, besides the ones you mentionned?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on April 09, 2012, 09:31:21 pm
So far I have fully implemented and coded
-Time freeze
-Power fire (Bullets do 4x more damage)
-God mode (Shield and bullets do 16x more damage)

I also have a rapidfire power up in the game, but it currently causes a RAM clear as soon as you pick it Gotta fix that :P Also I want to put in invisibility as well.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 09, 2012, 10:11:57 pm
That reminds me... would it be a good idea to add flying zombies and allow shooting vertically/diagonally?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Yeong on April 09, 2012, 10:12:19 pm
or adding a boss stage. :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on April 10, 2012, 09:06:37 pm
That reminds me... would it be a good idea to add flying zombies and allow shooting vertically/diagonally?

Hm, shooting diagonally wouldn't be hard at all actually (I just realized that the up/down buttons do nothing atm) since I already have y-velocity of the bullets. However, zombies are restricted pretty solidly to right/left movement....

I'm working on a melee attack too..I'll think about it. It would definitely help add some variety to the game.
or adding a boss stage. :D
I was thinking about this: it is possible I think. Hm...
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 10, 2012, 10:12:01 pm
Ah ok. I just thought that maybe there could be two enemy kinds, such as some sort of mutated zombie with wings or even bird-based zombies like in Resident Evil Extinction movie.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on April 10, 2012, 11:36:39 pm
What? No Bounce? I am aghast! :P
I have some opinions:
Currently, you have to save. I dislike this, and I will say why:
As of now, when you die, you lose your save...unless you exit the game and continue when you come back. I'd rather you not have to exit, and that, when you die, you go back to the shop...where you have to buy your health back. I liked the continuous saving of the original. Also, in the first version, you didn't advance a wave via "resurrecting" yourself, which is what happens now.
To sum up, instead of having to start over when you die, I'd prefer that you simply didn't advance, keeping the resources you gained to try and outfit yourself better.
Also, there are some glitchy enemysprites once you reach wave 18. I'll do my best to get a screen shot of them for you.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 11, 2012, 12:54:17 am
I wonder how you reached wave 18 in the first place, though. I never got past wave 5 or 6. X.x (I never figured out exactly when to buy what and what to buy to survive without running out of money)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on April 15, 2012, 04:25:30 pm
Yeah, I know about those glitches, I can't figure out what's causing them though -_-. The sprite data is formatted the same as all the others...

I haven't been able to work on this recently, been on a lot of trips recently (and heading off on another one tomorrow x.x)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: kindermoumoute on April 15, 2012, 04:33:36 pm
I don't survive at level 20 DJ_O. :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on April 15, 2012, 07:29:39 pm
Yeah, I know about those glitches, I can't figure out what's causing them though -_-. The sprite data is formatted the same as all the others...

I haven't been able to work on this recently, been on a lot of trips recently (and heading off on another one tomorrow x.x)
It looks to me like the sprite data are missing. That'd be my guess.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on April 15, 2012, 10:28:09 pm
It looks to me like the sprite data are missing. That'd be my guess.
Not exactly: I guess it's easier for me since I know what it's supposed to look like, but the sprite data is there. It's just scrambled :(
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on April 16, 2012, 12:25:18 am
Maybe check your sprites? Perhaps the data are screwed up in the source?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on July 26, 2012, 09:50:57 pm
So I was planning on picking this back up after the contest ended, and wrapping it up for a final release...

Unfortunately the backup on my computer was corrupted and I'm not familiar enough with the code/didn't make enough other backups to attempt to piece it back together.

So basically that means that the project just stands where it last was; playable, but no pickupables, a couple glitched sprites and some slightly confusing menus :P

Edit: Added to archives (;sa=view;down=812)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Deep Toaster on July 26, 2012, 10:09:22 pm
Man, that sucks, another project lost because of backup issues :/ (Reminded me to do some backing up too.) Glad you were close to finishing at least. And it is a fun game :)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on July 30, 2012, 08:55:20 pm
Yay featured :D (Do ticalc staff ignore flash apps? I think Embers deserves a feature more than this does :P)

On a side note I got sad because I noticed the ticalc screen shows the version with pickupables, which don't exist in the download :'(
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Stefan Bauwens on July 31, 2012, 04:38:11 am
Congrats on the feature. Also, I contacted the other day about that too.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: TIfanx1999 on July 31, 2012, 06:07:00 am
Hey, congratulations on getting featured! :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: chrisghost21 on October 10, 2012, 11:14:38 pm
Hey, I know it is many months later, but I wanted to ask about a health glitch. Some how when playing my health glitched and it read "426%". I know that this is a much older version from, yet I just wanted to confirm that you are, or were, aware of the glitch at that time. I also want to know if you are going to make any plans to further update this into completion after your back up fiasco. Thank you, Chris
(four day player with a highest level of 20 w/o armor and 36 with and restarting after the health glitch XD)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on October 11, 2012, 09:00:33 am
I think this version had some issues loading the health properly-- did it change after you had quit and then loaded?. If it just "randomly" changed to 426% then I'm not entirely sure what could've caused it...

As for continuing, I'm currently working on another project but might come back to this if I have time/need a break from Ash:Phoenix.

Thanks for the report, and it's nice to know people are enjoying my game :)
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on October 11, 2012, 11:34:01 am
I think this version had some issues loading the health properly-- did it change after you had quit and then loaded?. If it just "randomly" changed to 426% then I'm not entirely sure what could've caused it...

As for continuing, I'm currently working on another project but might come back to this if I have time/need a break from Ash:Phoenix.

Thanks for the report, and it's nice to know people are enjoying my game :)
I don't know what version he has, but I remember the first one having some hilarious bugs with the HP, like if you get enough damage at once, it underflows and now you've got a gigantic amount of HP. I think that may be happening, because "Dead" shows up as 407HP
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on May 21, 2013, 05:46:57 pm
I'm bringing Zombie Gun back from the grave--better, faster, stronger; I have the technology.
Planned Changes:
Missing Zombie Sprites
Health Underflow
Ammo Cost Overflows
Screwy Achievements
Game Changes:
Ability to buy your health back after you die (if you have enough cash)
Improved Ammo purchasing
More Achievements!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: pimathbrainiac on May 21, 2013, 06:00:10 pm

Sooo... you're picking up where Shimbs left off? NICE!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Spenceboy98 on May 21, 2013, 06:15:08 pm
I'm bringing Zombie Gun back from the grave--better, faster, stronger; I have the technology.
Planned Changes:
Missing Zombie Sprites
Health Underflow
Ammo Cost Overflows
Screwy Achievements
Game Changes:
Ability to buy your health back after you die (if you have enough cash)
Improved Ammo purchasing
More Achievements!

From scratch? Sounds cool. :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: parserp on May 21, 2013, 06:17:04 pm
better, faster, stronger; I have the technology.
++ for using 6 million dollar man quote <,<
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on May 22, 2013, 01:17:51 pm
From scratch? Sounds cool. :D
Not from scratch; That'd take forever. (and I'd probably spend 80 Million Years on the sprites). I have the sources, and I'm gonna, basically, Finish the game.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on May 22, 2013, 11:46:59 pm
Good luck, IIRC the code is really messy since I changed coding style halfway through :x
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on May 23, 2013, 06:06:48 am
Good luck, IIRC the code is really messy since I changed coding style halfway through :x
Messy code is nothing I'm unused to, sadly. >.>
On the other hand: If you're using zStart, you can use the jump-to-label feature to add some organization to your code--which might be why Nymless takes so long to compile.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Streetwalrus on May 23, 2013, 04:08:58 pm
I usually comment my bookmark labels, I don't know if that effects compilation time.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on June 10, 2013, 11:39:06 pm
So has this only revived for a single day or is it still progressing behind the scenes? :P
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on June 11, 2013, 12:39:07 am
I'm having to document the code on my own, and finding the energy and will to do so has not been a fruitful endeavor.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: squidgetx on June 13, 2013, 05:01:11 pm
i might go and comment some of it for you later if i have time

edit: here you go, i did about 2/3 of the main program including trying to explain the memory structure a little bit
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on June 13, 2013, 07:50:41 pm
Thank you so much.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on March 01, 2014, 01:41:48 am
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: TIfanx1999 on March 01, 2014, 03:26:27 am
Nice! :D screenies soon?
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on March 01, 2014, 03:32:34 am
Nice! :D screenies soon?
All I've got so far is a subtle balance tweak (no more camping in corners!), but I've got other things in the works too.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: TheCoder1998 on March 01, 2014, 12:04:01 pm
oh yeah, i love this game :D

i'm glad it is going to be finished (wasn't it finished already?)
keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: aeTIos on March 01, 2014, 01:15:33 pm
So, is it revived for 1 day again? >:D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Sorunome on March 01, 2014, 02:25:42 pm
Necro-update, lol.
Hope it'll get somewhere epic :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on March 01, 2014, 03:57:03 pm
Nice that this got revived :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Freyaday on March 04, 2014, 02:22:05 am
Zombie Gun: back for the dead BETA 1 is here!
Things changed:
You go to the shop instead of the title screen when you die, and you have the chance to buy back your health--if you don't have any, you can't get back into the game. Press ON+CLEAR to quit. (will have this go back to title screen eventually)
Zombie spawns tweaked. No more camping in corners!
Half-fixed ammo cost overflow.
Fixed wonky health in shop (I think)
Added a timer between your shots! (top right corner)
Derped up the title screen something fierce.
Made it so that five-digit ammo counts display properly in the HUD!

Let me know of any bugs you find!
And yes, the RAM Cannon is missing. I'll add it back in later; I'm using a slightly old version.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: TheCoder1998 on March 04, 2014, 05:28:41 am
holy shit this is awesome :D
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Streetwalrus on March 04, 2014, 01:23:52 pm
Nice to see this revived (pun intended).

On a side note : TheCoder, I beg you to trim your signature. A lot. Most of it. Please. It's freaking huge and contains a crapload of pics. Not good for your netiquette. Also IIRC spoilers in signatures are no longer permitted.
Title: Re: Zombie Gun
Post by: Dudeman313 on January 20, 2016, 10:23:14 pm
Soooooo...... Now what? This was revived, only to go into a coma???