Zombie Gun
by squidgetx
An Axe Parser 1.1.1 Project
Zombies have taken over the entire world. They've managed to eat out the brains of everyone in the entire world...except for you and your arms dealer. They've also conveniently managed to eat the entire world except for one little patch of land. Oh, and it's permanently night-time... How long can YOU survive?
Playing the Game
1. Installation
Send ZOMBIES.8xp to your calculator and run with any Ion-compatible shell
2. Title screen
Choose whether you want to start a new game, continue an old one, or save/quit the game.
Arrows: Move cursor
2nd: Select
Mode: View Achievements (7)
3. Store
Purchase weapons, armor upgrades, and healing power. Once you buy a weapon, click to buy it again to purchase ammunition for it. Use up/down to cycle by 50 bullets or left/right to cycle by 1. Weapons come preloaded with 50 free shots.
Arrows: Select
2nd: Select
Mode: View Inventory (5)
Clear: Continue Game (4)
4. Main Game Screen
Check out your health bar, money, kills, and ammo in the top corner. Run around, kill things

Arrows: Move
2nd: Jump
Alpha: Shoot
Mode: View Inventory (5)
Clear: Save/Quit (6)
5. Inventory
View weapons in stock, ammo, etc. Use 2nd to equip one or the other (change weapons). Also functions as a handy pause function.
Arrows: Move cursor
2nd: Equip weapon
6. Saving and Quitting
You'll see a save message. It is currently archiving your life-stats and achievements appvar (ZGach). The save file is left in RAM (ZGsav) and may only be loaded from one time.
7. Achievements
Throughout the game you can unlock various achievements. When you unlock one (usually at the end of the level) a notification will appear. You can view your achievements in the Achievement screen by pressing MODE at the title screen.
Random Game Information
Due to the nature of the calculator and/or my own laziness, many of the stats are maxed at 65535. Because of this, the difficulty of the game will begin to plateau at about level 64. However, I seriously doubt you will be able to make it that far anyway. But you can try. Good luck!
Technical Stuff
Please make sure to have about 100 bytes of free RAM. Normally this shouldn't be a problem. I am not responsible for any damage this may cause to your calculator. For best results, I recommend that this program be run from archive with MOS or DCS7, and that you clear your RAM before playing. If there is not enough RAM, the program will auto-quit.
Legal Stuff
Blah Blah Blah No one actually cares right??? Well just in case....
This is freeware, you can do whatever you want to with it! Hopefully the feeling of being a huge scumbag will deter you to market/distribute this as your own work. This is also an open source project. The source is included in the folder called "Source" :O. You can do whatever you want with that too. Just credit me or something.
This game was written by me, squidgetx using Kevin Horowitz's amazing language/utility thing Axe Parser 1.1.1 for Cemetech Contest #8. Thanks to Kevin (aka Quigibo) for Axe, Kerm_Martian for Cemetech, Runer112 and Calc84Maniac, and the rest of Omnimaga and Cemetech community.