• zStart - an app that runs on ram clears 5 1

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #165 on: May 05, 2011, 09:37:01 pm »
I have another feature request: could you make it possible to have atomic masses with 4 digits, i mean this:
H=     1.008
Ca=  40.08

etc. so that I can also use the molar mass calculator in class?

Well, I'm going to leave it at 2 decimals. That's what my friends and I who are in AP chem need.

Personally I use calcutil for that, but the possibility to run it using zStart would be cool for some.
Maybe, you could choose whether to recall a certain token or run an app/prog?

Yes, for handling the custom keys, that's probably what I'll do. I just wonder how I'll run programs that need Mirage/DCS.
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #166 on: May 05, 2011, 09:42:06 pm »
I wonder if you could make sure Doors is on the calc and then run the routines straight from there. ???

I also have an idea: Can you add a Start-Up (App by TI) like thing for programs, only to be run on a RAM Clear instead of on Start-Up.  For instance, this would allow for third party advancements to zStart if you ever stop maintaining it.  I got to thinking about this by wondering if your OffBy1 program could be run on RAM Clear... :P

Edit: Is there anyway to make sure that certain hooks do not get destroyed?  Like a hook replacer or something?  For example, OffBy1 on PressToTest, or Mirage's [Alpha]+[On] with DoorsCS.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 09:44:03 pm by ztrumpet »

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #167 on: May 05, 2011, 09:58:41 pm »
Yeah, whenever I use one of the [ON] key combinations, it destroys DCS's homerun hook.  Also, this version's [ON] + [VARS] seems to be a bit unstable (cause a ram clear sometimes). 
ld a, 0
ld a, a

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #168 on: May 08, 2011, 12:42:09 am »
When I first made zStart, I did not know much about the OS, but now I do. So it was time for a change.

  • New OS entry point (Both elegant and early)
  • Solver++ and Long tokens are gone
  • Toggling options actually changes things during the current ram session (as opposed to waiting until a ram clear)

On page 0, there is a huge list of unofficial bcalls. You can't use them though because their location changes from OS to OS. What is interesting about them though is that their format is
Code: [Select]
call constantAddress
.dw address
.db page
which means that you can actually change where they jump to! So, I took the call that displays "RAM Cleared" and redirected it over to page $75 where I call the zStart app and install everything. Then when I'm done, I call the original call and it displays "RAM Cleared."

But what makes this so cool is that I actually install everything before the homescreen starts, so the Safe Cleared message is no longer a flash too late, and, custom fonts actually affect the "RAM Cleared" message.
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #169 on: May 08, 2011, 01:04:08 am »
Can you add a key combination to run an app/pgrm of choice?  (like DCS's ON + App)

That would really nice.

This is quickly turning into an app for everything O.O

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #170 on: May 08, 2011, 04:36:14 am »
aw, no more long tokens? :p
this looks brilliant. thanks, penguin!

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #171 on: May 08, 2011, 08:47:14 am »
New OS entry point (Both elegant and early)
Solver++ and Long tokens are gone
Toggling options actually changes things during the current ram session (as opposed to waiting until a ram clear)

Ooh, so OS 2.71 MP helped! Nice!

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #172 on: May 08, 2011, 12:35:22 pm »
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #173 on: May 08, 2011, 02:16:01 pm »
Thanks so much; the new entry point has stopped the random up=ram clears.
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #174 on: May 08, 2011, 02:31:59 pm »

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #175 on: May 08, 2011, 02:52:22 pm »
Since I was bored, and since I love the Lord of the Rings, I converted this font to zStart format.
Enjoy! I know I can't wait to confuse my friends tomorrow.  :P

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #176 on: May 08, 2011, 03:18:52 pm »
*cough* Japanese font.

I tried and failed quite a bit.
Maybe a text parsing program?
That could go along with it so it wouldn't adjust normal calc use.

Hello Bob
would be
へっろ ぼb

or something of the sort.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 03:19:58 pm by Happybobjr »
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #177 on: May 09, 2011, 07:31:04 am »
I also tried the fonts thing on my calc and it didn't work so well (I activated my own custom font but I didn't really note the effect on homescreen). I used the first version of the page. Am I supposed to use a newer one?

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #178 on: May 13, 2011, 12:37:37 am »
Massive Update!!!! I've spent a solid 4hrs per day for about 4 days on this, so it's pretty impressive.

  • Option to use classic ram clear screen
  • Hooks now run in all menus of homescreen
  • I threw out the CursorHook and replaced it with a temporary getCSC hook
  • I put a space before all of the homescreen messages
  • Ability to run assembly programs with or without a shell
  • [ON] + [Enter] in program menu - run program
  • [ON] + [ * ] in program or edit menu - archive/unarchive program
  • [ON] + [number] in program or apps menu - run that program/app with that shortcut on home screen
  • [ON] + [negate] in program or apps menu - run this program when the calculator turns on
  • [ON] + [ . ] in program or apps menu - run this program/app on ram clears
  • [ON] + [number] in menu or catalog - set this as a shortcut token
  • [ON] + [number] at homescreen - run the shortcut associated with this action

Running programs:
    There's an option in zStart to set the shell of your choice, but you don't have to if you know that all of your programs don't use shell calls. What I do is I copy the program to $9D95 just like the shell would, then I swap the shell in and bcall() $9D95. So the program runs its course and returns back to me, not the shell. I basically tried to do the file copying like mirage does, except I fixed its glitches. So that means programs in ram are moved - not copied, and programs in flash are written back only if they actually changed.

     Also, zStart does actually handle the program different if it's header allows it to be run at the homescreen. So remember that. It will let a homescreen program modify the homescreen, but for shell programs, it will clear the homescreen before it quits. Also, unlike Ti-OS you still get the actual shell routines with whatever header you use, even if it is no-stub.

    The shortcuts are pretty straight forward, the number you set is the number you get. Press it once in a menu and it will say "Confirm," press it again and it will set it. You might need to disable omnicalc if you are going to set an app though because onmicalc will send you into mirage the moment you press ON in the apps menu. And for the tokens, it's kinda fun to see what tokens will actually work. I've noticed that none of the tokens that open up new contexts work, so I guess that's too bad. And just so you know, finding what the option the calculator is actually highlighting is really a pain.

Running on startup:
    This gets run every time you turn the calculator on. You can pretty much do whatever you want here, it even runs your program inside the shell. Just don't bcall(_jForceCMDNoChar) because the program is running on borrowed space.

Running on ram clear:
     Here it is, have fun. For max compatibility, you should put this as a homescreen program that doesn't touch the screen or textShadow, but you don't have to do that. If you do run a shell program, just understand it's going to mess up the homscreen. And I don't really recommend you run an app, but I'm not going to stop you. Honestly, if you run an app, a person watching wouldn't even know your ram cleared.

     Don't forget, hold [Vars] while booting to abort. You might need that if your ram clear program crashes.

It's a little too late for me to make a screen shot, but I think everything I put here is self explanatory.

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #179 on: May 13, 2011, 12:56:47 am »
Wow you have been busy O.O so many awesome features!  I especially like all the program shortcuts and hooks you allow :] And you also seem to have implemented noshell or similar right?  The shell needs to still be on the calc right?