• zStart - an app that runs on ram clears 5 1

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #390 on: September 13, 2011, 03:50:17 pm »
virtual desktops! (Or multiple desktops!)

The main problem I have with that is that the homescreen doesn't really even remember that much. For instance, an AP chem test half way though the year will easily take the equivalent of 4 homescreen buffers. So I think to do this, I would have to increase the OS's command history.

And of course, this would create a whole new area of the extra memory that people can't touch, and that would be no fun ;)

Is it possible to make a shortcut to compile with axe inside the program editor. When I'm done making changes, it'd be nice if I could compile from the editor instead of going to the program's name in the editor again.

I didn't do that because the program editor is not a friendly place. Yes, I could close the currently editing program and compile it, but reopening the program seamlessly would not be easy at all.

A very effective alternative would be: Set a compile shortcut for that program (ON + nuimber in edit menu). Then, whenever you quit the program, just press that shortcut on the homescreen. Of course this isn't quite as nice for single use programs, but, it's as nice as I can make it without some serious hacking.

I made an interesting font. It's based off one of my favorite fonts, which just happens to be my new coding font: Cloister Black.

How on earth do you code with that? :D But I am glad to see a custom font.
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #391 on: September 13, 2011, 05:55:45 pm »
I had another weird bug today:
I assigned a Basic program to a shortcut key.  I then ran it.  This is what happened:

As you can tell, it showed quotes around every output (and maybe display) when ran from a shortcut.  Running it from the homescreen didn't cause this affect.  What's going on?

Edit: The program in question is this one, though I suspect it happens with all Basic programs: http://ourl.ca/4276/79683
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 05:59:22 pm by ztrumpet »

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #392 on: September 14, 2011, 12:14:35 am »
nice. I should upload some more of my fonts.
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #393 on: September 17, 2011, 10:04:36 am »
[Feature Wishlist]
-Allow Symbolic
-Allow Graph3
-Make the ability to run GUIs (read spoiler for more informations about what I think about)
Spoiler For the spoiler:
The user makes a program or an App in Axe or ASM and some specific commands (that you'll have to tell us about) could call a part of zStart's code to run progs or archive all (for example). Some sort of a shell without libs that runs zStart libs or something. Does that sound impossible ? Because I really like MirageOs' Command Prompt but now I'm used to zStart's speed :P
« Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 10:04:57 am by Hayleia »
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #394 on: September 17, 2011, 01:01:07 pm »
[Feature Wishlist]
-Allow Symbolic
-Allow Graph3
-Make the ability to run GUIs (read spoiler for more informations about what I think about)

Official support for graph3 and Symbolic would be pretty tough because I'd have a mess with the hook chaining. However, what you want to do isn't hard.

You would make a program like this.
Code: [Select]

ld hl, symbolicName
rst 20h
jr c, noSymbolic

ld hl, $43B7
ld hl, $43E1
bcall(_enableTokenHook) ;straight from symbolic
ld hl, $47D0

ld hl, graph3Name
rst 20h
jr c, noGraph3

ld hl, $4083
bcall(_enableYEquHook) ;straight from graph3
ld hl, $4087
ld hl, $408B
ld hl, $408F


.db appObj, "Symbolic " ;the apps probably have spaces
graph3Name: ;  after their names
.db appObj, "Graph3   "

And then make it "Run on zStart" with ON + 0. I attached an assembled version.

-Make the ability to run GUIs (read spoiler for more informations about what I think about)

I think you mean APIs, (application programming interface) and yes I've thought about it. It wouldn't be hard at all, but it would have to be after I go two pages due to the space it would take.
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #395 on: September 17, 2011, 02:07:44 pm »
You would make a program like this.
Code: [Select]

And then make it "Run on zStart" with ON + 0. I attached an assembled version.

This will install the hooks of the apps when I quit zStart, right ? And this will not interfere with zStart's hooks (because installing Symbolic kills zStart's hooks: I can't run archived progs) ?

-Make the ability to run GUIs (read spoiler for more informations about what I think about)

I think you mean APIs, (application programming interface) and yes I've thought about it. It wouldn't be hard at all, but it would have to be after I go two pages due to the space it would take.
Er.. Maybe it is called API, I don't know. Maybe UCI, too ??? I saw too much names X(
Anyway, can't wait to see it done :)
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #396 on: September 17, 2011, 02:10:41 pm »
You would make a program like this.
Code: [Select]

And then make it "Run on zStart" with ON + 0. I attached an assembled version.

This will install the hooks of the apps when I quit zStart, right ? And this will not interfere with zStart's hooks (because installing Symbolic kills zStart's hooks: I can't run archived progs) ?

Yeah, I forgot about that, Symbolic has a parser hook which is the basis of how it works, as of now, the best thing I can say without getting super complicated would be to run programs with ON + Enter. Sorry about that.

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #397 on: September 18, 2011, 06:52:37 pm »
When do you think you'll have a chance to look at the Basic issues?

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #398 on: September 18, 2011, 06:56:55 pm »
Well, I must answer with eventually. I work on stuff in phases, so when this pops back up, you'll see a ton of updates.
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #399 on: September 20, 2011, 12:19:03 am »
I have a suggestion.
On the font view screen (the one that appears when you press ALPHA whilst editing a char) you currently clear and then refill the screen whenever the cursor is moved. I came up with a way to fix that.
Instead of clearing the screen every time, all you have to do it print the char and the char to its left in black-on-white, then move the cursor, then do whatever!
I even wrote an Axe program that'll do it!
Lemme know if you'd like it. :)
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #400 on: September 20, 2011, 03:32:12 pm »
I have a suggestion.
On the font view screen (the one that appears when you press ALPHA whilst editing a char) you currently clear and then refill the screen whenever the cursor is moved. I came up with a way to fix that.
Instead of clearing the screen every time, all you have to do it print the char and the char to its left in black-on-white, then move the cursor, then do whatever!
I even wrote an Axe program that'll do it!
Lemme know if you'd like it. :)

I know that ;D. Maybe you should hear the background behind the font editor. When I first made it, I figured people would just press +/- and *// to navigate. Then, I got the awesome idea to display all the characters and let you pick one. Of course, since this was just a menu, I didn't spend that much time on it. It did it's purpose, and I was happy with it. When I made it, I didn't think many people would use it.

Now however, I realized that everyone uses the chart every time and no one uses the controls I added. (look at those absolutes) This also explains why the editor starts out editing, and not viewing the list.

Now you know.
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #401 on: September 20, 2011, 06:49:25 pm »
I have a suggestion.
On the font view screen (the one that appears when you press ALPHA whilst editing a char) you currently clear and then refill the screen whenever the cursor is moved. I came up with a way to fix that.
Instead of clearing the screen every time, all you have to do it print the char and the char to its left in black-on-white, then move the cursor, then do whatever!
I even wrote an Axe program that'll do it!
Lemme know if you'd like it. :)

I know that ;D. Maybe you should hear the background behind the font editor. When I first made it, I figured people would just press +/- and *// to navigate. Then, I got the awesome idea to display all the characters and let you pick one. Of course, since this was just a menu, I didn't spend that much time on it. It did it's purpose, and I was happy with it. When I made it, I didn't think many people would use it.

Now however, I realized that everyone uses the chart every time and no one uses the controls I added. (look at those absolutes) This also explains why the editor starts out editing, and not viewing the list.

Now you know.
Ah ok. Can you still implement it though? The flicker drives me nuts. It messes with my head, man! O.O
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #402 on: September 23, 2011, 10:16:02 pm »
Wow... I tried zstart for the first time today, and I have to say, this is awesome. Everything works smoothly, and I haven't had any crashes. I especially love the fonts/omnicalc stuff. This is very well made, good job.

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #403 on: September 23, 2011, 10:21:48 pm »
You would make a program like this.
Code: [Select]

And then make it "Run on zStart" with ON + 0. I attached an assembled version.

This will install the hooks of the apps when I quit zStart, right ? And this will not interfere with zStart's hooks (because installing Symbolic kills zStart's hooks: I can't run archived progs) ?

Yeah, I forgot about that, Symbolic has a parser hook which is the basis of how it works, as of now, the best thing I can say without getting super complicated would be to run programs with ON + Enter. Sorry about that.
I should mention that Symbolic is usually automatically installed with Omnicalc. I think Symbolic registers itself within Omnicalc. When I clear RAM, Symbolic is already installed. The main concern is with hook hijacking (Symbolic and parser hooks)...
« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 10:22:02 pm by alberthrocks »
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #404 on: September 23, 2011, 10:36:52 pm »
Oh! UnArchive prgm and Archive prgm don't work. it just tries to run the program.
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