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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #195 on: May 15, 2011, 11:11:13 pm »
So I mostly just cleaned everything up:

  • EditBuffer is reopened after [ON] + keys, (Mathprint isn't handled well, but it doesn't crash)
  • Fixed a mistake where OFFSCRPT wasn't created the moment on ON program was set, (it was still set on ram clears and by running the app though)
  • Without a shell, all ION calls except ionDetect and ionDecrompress work
  • Without a shell, page $82 is swapped in, which means that if a program tries to use a Mirage call, it will have a clean crash
  • APD is re enabled after running programs

And ACagliano, I fixed the running Apps on Turning On, but as for the DCS side, you'll have to bug Kerm about that. zStart will always have to overwrite DCS's OFFSCRPT in order to function. But to be nice, I only kill it if you are running a program on ON or are displaying a picture on startup. The problem is that DCS kills OFFSCRPT whether it needs it or not. So that's why DCS turns it off.

But I suppose if you have it enabled with both. zStart will do it the first time, and then DCS will handle it from then on.
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #196 on: May 16, 2011, 11:09:41 am »
:o Nice update!!
Oh, and ionDec\r\ompress, huh? :P
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #197 on: May 16, 2011, 01:32:47 pm »
Nice update. However, my main problem persists. After the calc RAM clears once, with DCS7 set to run on RAM clear, pressing [enter] on the homescreen crashes. Will try to post screenie.

Edit: WabbitEmu is not allowing me to install RAM clear. And I don't know how to capture an animated screenshot from my calc.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 01:35:43 pm by ACagliano »

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #198 on: May 16, 2011, 05:44:18 pm »
  • APD is re enabled after running programs
Get this on my calc right now.
Thanks! :D

EDIT: I just had an idea to die for! (Not really die, but I digress)
Can you please impliment an Omnicalc Quick-App style Quick-Program thing to make scrolling through the program list really fast.  All it is is a linked list (if my speculation is correct), so all you have to do is mess with the VAT.  This would have to be redone every time Mirage or DCS is re-sorted (I think), but I scroll through with the program menu and would use this a lot.  Thanks!
Also, was Quick-Apps in zStart ever implimented?  Personally, Omnicalc messes with too many things for me to use it, so I don't have Quick-Apps enabled because I don't have Omnicalc enabled and would like it running. :)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 06:07:43 pm by ztrumpet »

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #199 on: May 16, 2011, 06:08:48 pm »
This app is really awesome! :thumbsup:
Quick question: would it be possible to get the [On] + [numpad] hook to launch apps as well?  Or is that impossible?
I beta test, so...yeah.  PM me if you want me to test anything :D.

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #200 on: May 16, 2011, 06:13:01 pm »
EDIT: I just had an idea to die for! (Not really die, but I digress)
Can you please impliment an Omnicalc Quick-App style Quick-Program thing to make scrolling through the program list really fast.  All it is is a linked list (if my speculation is correct), so all you have to do is mess with the VAT.  This would have to be redone every time Mirage or DCS is re-sorted (I think), but I scroll through with the program menu and would use this a lot.  Thanks!
Also, was Quick-Apps in zStart ever implimented?  Personally, Omnicalc messes with too many things for me to use it, so I don't have Quick-Apps enabled because I don't have Omnicalc enabled and would like it running. :)
I would also find this to be insanely helpful, because I almost always have a massive program list that takes forever to scroll through.

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #201 on: May 16, 2011, 06:26:10 pm »
This app is really awesome! ;D
Quick question: would it be possible to get the [On] + [numpad] hook to launch apps as well?  Or is that impossible?

Lol, it does already.

EDIT: I just had an idea to die for! (Not really die, but I digress)
Can you please impliment an Omnicalc Quick-App style Quick-Program thing to make scrolling through the program list really fast.  All it is is a linked list (if my speculation is correct), so all you have to do is mess with the VAT.  This would have to be redone every time Mirage or DCS is re-sorted (I think), but I scroll through with the program menu and would use this a lot.  Thanks!
Also, was Quick-Apps in zStart ever implimented?  Personally, Omnicalc messes with too many things for me to use it, so I don't have Quick-Apps enabled because I don't have Omnicalc enabled and would like it running. :)

I could probably do that. It shouldn't be too hard. I'll just have to make sure I don't interfere with anything else.
zStart v1.3.013 9-20-2013 
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #202 on: May 16, 2011, 07:25:26 pm »
Really? In that case, how do you assign an application to a shortcut?
(P.S. in the latest version it does not pause at the confirm screen making it possible to assign any shortcuts :(.  Maybe it's just me lol)
I beta test, so...yeah.  PM me if you want me to test anything :D.

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #203 on: May 16, 2011, 07:34:50 pm »
I think this'll help. :)
Spoiler For Spoiler:
Massive Update!!!! I've spent a solid 4hrs per day for about 4 days on this, so it's pretty impressive.

  • Option to use classic ram clear screen
  • Hooks now run in all menus of homescreen
  • I threw out the CursorHook and replaced it with a temporary getCSC hook
  • I put a space before all of the homescreen messages
  • Ability to run assembly programs with or without a shell
  • [ON] + [Enter] in program menu - run program
  • [ON] + [ * ] in program or edit menu - archive/unarchive program
  • [ON] + [number] in program or apps menu - run that program/app with that shortcut on home screen
  • [ON] + [negate] in program or apps menu - run this program when the calculator turns on
  • [ON] + [ . ] in program or apps menu - run this program/app on ram clears
  • [ON] + [number] in menu or catalog - set this as a shortcut token
  • [ON] + [number] at homescreen - run the shortcut associated with this action

Running programs:
    There's an option in zStart to set the shell of your choice, but you don't have to if you know that all of your programs don't use shell calls. What I do is I copy the program to $9D95 just like the shell would, then I swap the shell in and bcall() $9D95. So the program runs its course and returns back to me, not the shell. I basically tried to do the file copying like mirage does, except I fixed its glitches. So that means programs in ram are moved - not copied, and programs in flash are written back only if they actually changed.

     Also, zStart does actually handle the program different if it's header allows it to be run at the homescreen. So remember that. It will let a homescreen program modify the homescreen, but for shell programs, it will clear the homescreen before it quits. Also, unlike Ti-OS you still get the actual shell routines with whatever header you use, even if it is no-stub.

    The shortcuts are pretty straight forward, the number you set is the number you get. Press it once in a menu and it will say "Confirm," press it again and it will set it. You might need to disable omnicalc if you are going to set an app though because onmicalc will send you into mirage the moment you press ON in the apps menu. And for the tokens, it's kinda fun to see what tokens will actually work. I've noticed that none of the tokens that open up new contexts work, so I guess that's too bad. And just so you know, finding what the option the calculator is actually highlighting is really a pain.

Running on startup:
    This gets run every time you turn the calculator on. You can pretty much do whatever you want here, it even runs your program inside the shell. Just don't bcall(_jForceCMDNoChar) because the program is running on borrowed space.

Running on ram clear:
     Here it is, have fun. For max compatibility, you should put this as a homescreen program that doesn't touch the screen or textShadow, but you don't have to do that. If you do run a shell program, just understand it's going to mess up the homscreen. And I don't really recommend you run an app, but I'm not going to stop you. Honestly, if you run an app, a person watching wouldn't even know your ram cleared.

     Don't forget, hold [Vars] while booting to abort. You might need that if your ram clear program crashes.

It's a little too late for me to make a screen shot, but I think everything I put here is self explanatory.

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #204 on: May 16, 2011, 07:40:17 pm »
OK thanks.  I'm going to send it over again - it didn't seem to work the first time, since it would just run the app without saving a shortcut.
I beta test, so...yeah.  PM me if you want me to test anything :D.

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #205 on: May 16, 2011, 07:47:57 pm »
2 feature requests! :D
1) Make a Fast App Menu for non-extra RAM calcs. This seems to work without such RAM, but it does crash a bit more.
2) Clock saving. I know this isn't technically "possible", but that's if you are looking to save every second of the clock in an ASM program :P (Or any program) I'm just asking to save the clock when you execute a program or leave a program. Applies to apps too, if possible. It would save me some time (hehe, get it? :P) to set the time. And of course, a manual shortcut as needed :)

Also, what's the status on DCS compatibility?
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #206 on: May 16, 2011, 08:12:12 pm »
This is getting really great ThePenguin. Nice job so far!

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #207 on: May 16, 2011, 08:13:28 pm »
My feature request is saving your graph window settings(both window size and format options) whenever you change them, then restore them on RAM Clear.

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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #208 on: May 16, 2011, 08:22:49 pm »
OK thanks.  I'm going to send it over again - it didn't seem to work the first time, since it would just run the app without saving a shortcut.

That's because Mirage was getting in your way. Disable Omnicalc in zStart. Then clear your ram and don't touch Mirage. From here you can safely assign your shortcut keys.

2) Clock saving. I know this isn't technically "possible", but that's if you are looking to save every second of the clock in an ASM program :P (Or any program) I'm just asking to save the clock when you execute a program or leave a program. Applies to apps too, if possible. It would save me some time (hehe, get it? :P) to set the time. And of course, a manual shortcut as needed :)

Also, what's the status on DCS compatibility?

If I did clock saving like that, it would be off by about 1 minute per ram clear. Which would compound every time. And what is worse is that for every second you wait without pressing the ON button, the time gets 1 more second off.

DCS compatibility will be here once KermM gives me an entry point into DCS or completely stops working on it. And since KermM said that he couldn't add an entry point and isn't going to stop working on it anytime soon, I don't really see a "Install DCS" option. Sorry about that, I can't do it like I did Omnicalc because Omnicalc is not going to change. To install it, I actually call a routine inside of it.
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Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« Reply #209 on: May 16, 2011, 08:35:46 pm »
Yep.  Already figured it out - simple Mirage/Omnicalc problem :P.  Thanks for making such an awesome utility!
I beta test, so...yeah.  PM me if you want me to test anything :D.

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