here's another little program that was spawned out of making tileit. ztok is an easy way to access the complete token set of the 8X+ series calcs. it initially, the user is presented with a list of single byte values and their assoviated tokens, with those that lead to two byte tokens hilighted. pressing left or right on higlighted entries allows viewing all of the two byte tokens associated with that first byte. clear quits without doing anything, and 2nd/enter either stores the token to the last entry value or appends it to the end of Str0 (creating it if it does not exist or is archived). which one is toggled with XTthetan and is indicated by a letter in the bottom right. also indicated in the bottom right is whether up/down will jump 1 byte (+) or eight (*) (toggled with alpha), allowing faster navigation, and an appvar ensures that position the catalogue/export option chosen are maintained, in case you are grabbing several tokens at a time.