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CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« on: January 16, 2014, 06:22:15 am »
The title sums it all. I don't know if you were already asked (and I would be surprised if you weren't) but I didn't see that question anywhere.
So would you consider adding CSE support for Wabbitemu ?

(And I know there is jsTIfied, but I hate online solutions, I spend 6 hours per week in a train and "online" can't be part of a solution).
I own: 83+ ; 84+SE ; ; CX CAS ; Prizm ; 84+CSE
Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2014, 07:26:33 am »
There was Tilem which had experimental CSE support IIRC, but it was only for Linux and I don't think it's being developed anymore right now.

I would like a standalone emu too, but for different reasons. As much as I like jsTIfied and its cross-compatibility with pretty much everything, my computer is just too slow to run it for long periods, especially when taking animated screenshots (during capture the emu runs about 10 times slower than the real calc and the stop capture button takes 1 minute to respond). It is understandable since it uses Javascript, but an alternate solution would definitively be great.

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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2014, 01:43:30 pm »
Yeah, I'd like to see that. jsTIfied is pretty much the only emulator that supports CSE, but it's online, would be nice to see a desktop emulator like Wabbitemu supporting it, especilly with its ROM wizard.

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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2014, 02:03:40 pm »
I don't know that TilEm2 work on CSE support has stopped, at least the last CSE related commit was from 4 months ago. I don't have a CSE to test it out, so i can't comment on how accurate it is. But if you've got a linux partition it'd be worth at least testing.

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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2014, 05:26:30 pm »
I think at some point it will be inevitable to have CSE support for the emulator to keep living, as more and more people will (or will have to) buy the CSE. We already have dreamdragon who is one of the early users interested in development for the CSE, and we have to expect more young people to come here expecting to find programs and development tools for the CSE. If Wabbitemu does not add support for the CSE, some people will prefer others that do like TilEm2 and jsTIfied.

So should WabbitEmu support CSE? Definitively.
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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2014, 05:39:33 pm »
I'd be very interested too, even if not so young anymore :p

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Re: Re: Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2014, 07:31:14 pm »
I think at some point it will be inevitable to have CSE support for the emulator to keep living, as more and more people will (or will have to) buy the CSE. We already have dreamdragon who is one of the early users interested in development for the CSE, and we have to expect more young people to come here expecting to find programs and development tools for the CSE. If Wabbitemu does not add support for the CSE, some people will prefer others that do like TilEm2 and jsTIfied.

So should WabbitEmu support CSE? Definitively.
actually after the 83+ came out, it took 6 years until an accurate emu with grayscale support come out. O.O

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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2014, 08:58:14 pm »
This is not comparable with the CSE case. Grayscale was not a feature of the TI-83+, but rather a software hack that was possible because of the way the LCD display works.

The color display is the central point of the CSE. They even named the calculator after this. Without color support it is yet another TI-84. Without grayscale 99% of the programs for the TI-83 can be properly emulated. So maybe it took some time for grayscale support to finally be implemented in an emulator, but that's because it was not a key feature.
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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2014, 12:35:55 am »
Indeed, but that's not the point. The point is that it took 6 years after the 83+ release before we finally got a decent 83+ emulator. Until 2005, all we had as 83+ emulators were the following:

-VirtualTI 2.5: No archive support. Didn't run on anything else than OS 1.12. No contrast support.
-Virtual TI 3.0 Alpha: No linking support. Programs had to be included with the ROM and the only ROM dumper was built-in 2.5, and took 30 minutes to dump ROMs (and was so sensitive that even typing 1 character in an empty Notepad file could corrupt your ROM dump). No contrast support.
-Original version of TilEm: No Windows version until 2004 and the 2004 one was very buggy. No contrast support.
-Flash Debugger: Most programs did not work. No multi-keypress support and no grayscale. No contrast support.

Then in 2005, we got PindurTI. It lacked support for sending programs with the Archive flag ON and had no SE/84+ support. WabbitEmu, even as of today, has problems with contrast. Tilem seems fine, though, but I haven't tested it thoroughly.

In conclusion, my point is that if it took 6 years before we finally get a TI-83+ emulator that is reliable. What might speed things up is how the 83+ series is heavily documented, which wasn't the case as much from 1999 to 2005.

That said, for the CSE jsTIfied already does a very good job, so I guess if Kerm is interested to share some hints with Buckeye, 84+CSE support could easily be added.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 12:40:02 am by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline Hayleia

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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2014, 04:11:21 am »
I don't know that TilEm2 work on CSE support has stopped, at least the last CSE related commit was from 4 months ago. I don't have a CSE to test it out, so i can't comment on how accurate it is. But if you've got a linux partition it'd be worth at least testing.
Well I have a Linux partition, but the fact is that I code on Windows due to TokenIDE only being available for that OS (well I am talking about Axe, and Axe is not available yet on the CSE so that doesn't make much of a difference) and I would rather avoid having to wait for 15s rebooting each time I want to test my program, then 15s again when modifying one line.
Asm programming wouldn't be a problem on Linux though.
I own: 83+ ; 84+SE ; ; CX CAS ; Prizm ; 84+CSE
Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2014, 08:59:47 pm »
Well I have a Linux partition, but the fact is that I code on Windows due to TokenIDE only being available for that OS
Hm, that shouldn't be true. According to the file description on ([url][/url), it "has been tested on Linux using Mono 2.10". So you'll have to install Mono, of course, if you don't already have it, but then TokenIDE should work on Linux.
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Offline Hayleia

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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2014, 02:36:51 am »
Well I have a Linux partition, but the fact is that I code on Windows due to TokenIDE only being available for that OS
Hm, that shouldn't be true. According to the file description on ([url][/url), it "has been tested on Linux using Mono 2.10". So you'll have to install Mono, of course, if you don't already have it, but then TokenIDE should work on Linux.
Oh, I didn't know that, I downloaded it from the link Merthsoft gives on the development topic, not from ticalc. Thanks for the tip :)
I own: 83+ ; 84+SE ; ; CX CAS ; Prizm ; 84+CSE
Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2014, 08:30:58 pm »
It is coming soon, but I'm still working on resolving all the complexities of the LCD. You can test my latest build here:


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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2014, 10:44:17 pm »
Good luck getting CSE support working. Hopefully it comes to fruition and maybe Kerm can help a bit. I like jsTIfied but I would definitively like a slow computer-friendly alternative too.

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Re: CSE support for Wabbitemu ?
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2014, 11:01:23 pm »
It is coming soon, but I'm still working on resolving all the complexities of the LCD. You can test my latest build here:


Boy, I know calc84maniac, myself, and some others have awaited this for a long time now. I tried it out quickly, and it certainly seems to be in a basic functioning state. Of course a number of features haven't been made compatible yet, like taking screenshots, but I did manually take this one of calc84maniac's stupendous technological achievement, Steins;Gate, to show off that the hardware emulation is working at least fairly well:

You likely already know about most issues, but I'll mention two that I've discovered.

First, MicrOS does not function properly, which could suggest any number of bugs. DrDnar all but completely throws out the OS and reboots the calculator himself, so I'm guessing at least one of the low-level hardware aspects of its initialization procedure is causing issues. Perhaps DrDnar can be contacted and recruited to help debug its support, and/or you could try yourself with the full source included in the download.

Second, the performance! It's likely that you simply haven't gotten around to implementing the screen in a properly optimizer manner, but I'm seeing generally slow emulation, and unless my eyes are deceiving me, possibly a decent amount of frame skipping on top. If you'd like any assistance in understanding the (much more complicated than the 83+/84+) driver, I might be able to answer questions, or you could probably ask in IRC or make a dedicated topic to get responses from more knowledgeable people.

But a natively running 84+CSE emulator is a huge boon, so thanks for the good work, and keep it up!
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 11:09:12 pm by Runer112 »