I needed to do a bit of PHP to get ready for college and these things are useful. This allows you to make dynamic, simple mini-userbars. (195x20 px) I needed these on Facebook for 2 reasons. Normal userbars are too big, and using a generator or doing them myself in Photoshop would require reuploading eveytime my level changed or I wanted to add a game to my list. Afterwards, I expanded the code to be a bit more useful for others. So, I thought I'd share.
For an example, just look at my signature. You can change the name of the game, the level, or just put a message on it. You can also change the BG color, but I only have 5 options at the moment. Later on, I'll add more colors, maybe some logos, maybe an option to add a picture/logo to it. If you have any other ideas, let me know.
Here's how it all works.
Blank Bar
This just gives a gray bar with nothing on it. Now, the fun stuff.
BG Color
Just add a
? to separate the commands from the rest of the url then
bg= and your color and you can change it. If it's not one of the supported colors, it defaults to gray OR if you don't use
bg= at all it will default to gray.
Current available colors:
- red
- green
- black
- brown
- blue
- lightblue
- yellow
- orange
- purple
- pink
- gray
Adding a Message like pie like pie even more than I did in the other bar
To separate the commands, you use
& and for messages add
msg= then the text. Note, don't use anything but letters, numbers, and spaces. It'll most likely not work if you do... unless you use my converter! type in the string you want, special characters and all, and it'll give out the results with examples.
Game Mini-Userbar
For the 4 supported games, you don't need to change the BG but if it's not either "farmville", "mafiawars", "ninjawarz", or "castleage" (and it most likely won't be) you should add the
bg= or it'll default to gray. Basically,
game= works the same way as
msg= but handles the background color for any supported games too so you can easily replace the two if you want. The other command,
lvl= will simply add "Level: ###" to the right side. Preferred if it was 0-999. You can do longer numbers, but it might not show it all.
Username (only for normal userbars)
Just add in a
name= and your name. (Remember, only letters, numbers, spaces, and underscores.)
That's pretty much the gist of it. Just typing in the URL will show you the image, so you don't have to post it somewhere to test. Any questions, just ask. Any ideas, then let me know. I'm having fun with this. =)