Inspired by haroldbot, regular expressions and javascript applets for converting hex to decimal I introduce: Calculator applet generator.
I have not coded it up but this is what is might look like.
Example: Relative jump calculator applet:
1x(0..65535) "Jump From:",
2x(0..65535) "To:",
0x(-127..128) "Offset:"
:$2 - $1 [ ! - 2]
This describes the following applet:
Jump From:
[Hexadecimal input] (range 16 bits)
[Hexadecimal input] (range 16 bits)
Enable -2? [Yes]
[Hexadecimal output] (range 8 bits signed)
The url to this applet would look like this:'1x(0..65535) "Jump From:",2x(0..65535) "To:",0x(-127..128) "Offset:" :$2 - $1 [ ! - 2]'
What do you think?