Author Topic: Geoshitties closing this summer  (Read 3947 times)

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Geoshitties closing this summer
« on: June 09, 2009, 01:38:37 pm »
Ok so it appears Yahoo is about to shut down Geoshitties web hosting. It might be old news but I just found out while browsing some comments and clicked a website hosted on Yahoo. Then I went to check the hosting page and there was a notice saying Geocities would close later this year and they are no longer accepting new customers. I am sure a lot of people moved from Geocities to other hosts long ago, considering they offered small amount of diskspace and had annoying ads at one point in their existence, but I am telling anyway in case some people here got sites still hosted there that they still care about. Also this sucks because there are some good and interesting TI sites from the '90s hosted there, such as The Richfiles and maybe some moderate quality games that are not on and will probably not archive everything there.


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Re: Geoshitties closing this summer
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2009, 02:39:20 pm »
Everyone knows that a program simply doesn't exist if it's not on ticalc...