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Re: HTML Games with JavaScript
« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2011, 01:55:11 pm »
Yeah I'm fine with that. I just meant no stuff such as PM invites telling people to register and post on a forum.


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Re: HTML Games with JavaScript
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2011, 01:55:45 pm »
I don't like to judge games based on file size or language either, but I do criticise games which have a decent output but had very little work put into them.  I personally can't stand most games made with the RPG toolkit: all the person does is rip some final fantasy sprites and write a cliche'd story like evil wizard darth vader is gonna blow the world up with a dark hole thing spell crap and has about 50 lines of code to say something like "enemies are bad beat the evil wizard to win good luck" or "it's dangerous to go along take this [sword]" (zelda ripoff) and such.  this is about 60% of the toolkit's output games, and another 30% are clones of either pokemon, zelda, chrono trigger, or final fantasy.  I look upon this 90% margin of toolkit games as crap.

however, 10% are amazing, (slow and laggy, due to the nature of the toolkit's programming language) but they are amazing nonetheless and probably have 100 hours of work put into them.

as you can see, I don't upon easier languages, but I do hate upon noobish work with these languages.

EDITS: DJ, I wasn't bashing the games, they're awesome, but I personally think it's a PITA to code with Javascript -- the most I made before I got sick of it was pong.

also, I had to delete the post:  whenever there's a -1 on a post, about 6 people will jump on the bandwagon and downrate it too.  while I still stand with the opinion in my old post, I don't feel like losing 5 more respect since the downrating system is also really abused as well.  And no offense DJ, whenever you downrate a post, downrate abuse is most evident.  you have a magic touch on people's consciences ;) (and you eat their souls -- jk :P) :)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 01:59:05 pm by Ashbad »

Offline Ikkerens

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Re: HTML Games with JavaScript
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2011, 01:58:26 pm »
as you can see, I don't upon easier languages, but I do hate upon noobish work with these languages.
That's the nice thing about this game, all he used is MooTools
Which is getting oudated though, jQuery has almost completely replaced it, but still, he did an awesome job ;)
(He didn't do it alone though, he has some RL friends which did most of the content/graphics)
If you want a slight introduction, there's one on

Splut for Android [----------]
Paused/halted indefinitely, might be abandoned, our graphic designer quit and the rest of us simply doesn't have the time to work on it...

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: HTML Games with JavaScript
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2011, 02:02:10 pm »
Yeah, likewise with TI-BASIC and to a lesser extent RPG Maker games. I think the latter might be because sites only accepts high quality ones. I don't mind if they use sprites from other games, but I dislike when there's barely any difference. I don't mind presets graphics either as long as the game content is rather good. In my RPG Maker game it's simple since it was my first, but nobody made a MCOG-related game or sequel before so I thought I would make one and adapt it to the RPG world. The problem with high quality RM games, however, is that almost none are finished.

Note about Javascript, personally I don't find JS easy, though. Hence my comments about the debugging process. I learned JS in College and eventually dropped out after seeing that's what we were gonna do most of the time. O.O

EDIT: I kinda disagree about post rating, though, because at least 90% of the posts I rated down were rated back up. I think it gets rated down more only in the other 10% case. But what I don't like about post deletion is that the convo makes no sense afterward :P

Anyway just be careful because lately we've been more strict on rules. (Someone got banned for starting a software war with video editing tools last night, although the ban was short)