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IRC Bot, lol
« on: April 12, 2009, 03:51:35 pm »
I've been chatting in another community in IRC quite a bit recently.
Last night I got the idea to program an IRC bot for the hell of it.

I've gotten quite a bit done already. Still working on more things.
You'll notice some of it seems a bit too specialized to just be thrown into any channel... well, that's because I'm programming it for the MT community.
Still, I thought SOMEONE might find the project interesting. =P

Code: [Select]
Current commands are as follows: (there are a few secret ones not listed)

Screencaps: If I detect that someone is requesting screencaps, I'll link you to the Official Unofficial MegaTokyo: Screencaps page.
All you need to do is have "screencaps?" somewhere in your message.
RMR: Random Music Request. This will grab a random song from a list depending on the requested genre and link you to that song.
Genres accepted: Techno, Rock, Rap, Country, Opera, Metal, Classical, Jazz, Remix, Pop, Touhou, and Japan.
Syntax: RMR genre | Example: RMR techno

To contribute use this code: rmr add GENRE SONGNAME: LINK
The words in capitals are to be replaced by what they describe.
Example: RMR add techno Dota: [youtube][/youtube]
Failj detection: When someone types 'failj' in chat, it posts a humorous response from a list of about 6 right now.
Idea courtesy of: Yamagiz.
HUGZ: I gladly give out hugs on request. Just include 'hug plz' somewhere in your message and you shall be given one.
Bot?: I'm fairly good at detecting when someone might think I'm a bot and will give a random response from a list when I detect such.
WB: When someone says "I'm back", I'll give a response to them.
End of commands.

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Re: IRC Bot, lol
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2009, 04:24:06 pm »
interesting, just make sure if you change your mind about AI that it won't get so smart that it can learn at insane rate and make better ASM games than Calc84maniac :P