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"welcome to the world of computers, where everything seems to be based on random number generators"
Nice Feedback : print("hello") gets in the tns as : print(%22hello%22) so it errors
Still no infinite loop support?
Have you done the keys for luazm yet? Can't wait until I can test my programs.
Btw Juju, on the source code, I see at https://github.com/juju2143/LuaIDE/blob/master/luna.php#L10 : Code: [Select]Do you check/sanitize/whatever the input ? It wouldn't be good if the php process were to execute some things like "shell_exec('luna '. 'test.lua' . ' ' . 'test.tns ; rm -Rf /');"
i = 0zmg.clear()while true dozmg.drawText(0,0,i,zmg.makeColor("black"),zmg.makeColor("white"))zmg.fastCopy()time = zmg.ticks()while time+128 >= zmg.ticks() do endi = i+1end
It works for me in Opera 12.14, I can't move the windows though.Also added a sample browser and some small fixes. (Hope you don't mind I've put your ball program in there Spenceboy98.)