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Offline ZippyDee

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Old people and
« on: April 11, 2011, 05:12:08 am »
I have not done a lot of web design (I prefer to do more dynamic forms of coding) but I'm proficient enough to make an entire website from scratch. I have been commissioned by my mom's bluegrass/old-time/celtic band to redesign their website (THEY NEED IT o.O) and I am running into a few issues, not with the coding of the web page, but with explaining some things to the less computer-literate members.

The band is all women over 45 (some quite a bit older) and they have a tendency to disagree on certain kinds of things. My problem is that some of them don't understand that the ACTUAL CONTENT on the page is just as important as the LAYOUT, if not MORE important.

What's the best way to get a client to understand that colors, alignment, backgrounds, text sizes, positioning, etc. can be easily changed, and that the FIRST thing they need to focus on is the content? They're all still stuck on arguing about colors...

ANY help is greatly appreciated!
-Zippy Dee
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 05:12:49 am by ZippyDee »
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Offline Munchor

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Re: Old people and
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2011, 05:15:12 am »
You have to impose yourself like a man then, I'm sure.

Could you link us their website?

Sentences like the following might help:
- I am willing to code it for you, and believe me that if you can't decide anything, I won't be able to help and no other WebDesigner will.
- If you want your website to be better, more appreciable, I'd highly recommend you letting me take over it and then, in the end you can argue about it and I'll make changes.

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Re: Old people and
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2011, 05:29:36 am »
I can already do all the design and layout, the issue is GETTING the content. Their current page content does not effectively or efficiently portray them as a group. Ignoring the layout of the page, they obviously need to have a different approach to their content. The current site is
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 05:30:29 am by ZippyDee »
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Re: Old people and
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2011, 07:39:13 am »
I would design a website with content that is like the "lorum ipsum" stuff, and design a few sample websites.  You'll find they can argue for days on what SHOULD the website look like, but if they see some website designs, they will inevitably say "oh, I like that one", and you will make progress.

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Re: Old people and
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2011, 07:57:36 am »
Great idea! Thanks, I'll do that.
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Re: Old people and
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2011, 08:16:45 am »

Offline tr1p1ea

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Re: Old people and
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2011, 09:31:13 am »
What i usually do is tell people that we cant start until there is content since a website is not a website if there isnt anything to put in it.
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Offline Madskillz

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Re: Old people and
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2011, 01:37:49 pm »
Only thing that makes this a bit different than a standard website is that this is for a band.

Content-wise you are looking photos of the band, samples of their music. Be specific in the kind of content you are looking for. In all honesty though a band website isnt really all about the content, word-wise anyhow. Its about the music. They may have a point about the colors and layout because to them the look is the most important and they are your client. Again they may realize that they don't have a lot of content to give, simply because it isnt there. The most content word-wise I could see them needing is some sort of about the band page, the rest is all stuff like pictures and music samples. If they have albums that they released maybe some information about them. If they link off to the albums for purchase, make sure the links actually take you to the album. Their current links don't work.

Sounds like your making a mock-up that is a great idea, give them something to discuss and allow them the chance to give you feedback. Goodluck, you got some work ahead of you.

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Re: Old people and
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2011, 02:44:22 pm »
I agree with the mock-up idea.

Once you satisfy their urge to create an visually pleasing website, you can then focus on the content.

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Re: Old people and
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2011, 03:45:29 pm »


What i usually do is tell people that we cant start until there is content since a website is not a website if there isnt anything to put in it.
They have content on their current page...But they need better content....That's what they don't understand.

Only thing that makes this a bit different than a standard website is that this is for a band.

Content-wise you are looking photos of the band, samples of their music. Be specific in the kind of content you are looking for. In all honesty though a band website isnt really all about the content, word-wise anyhow. Its about the music. They may have a point about the colors and layout because to them the look is the most important and they are your client. Again they may realize that they don't have a lot of content to give, simply because it isnt there. The most content word-wise I could see them needing is some sort of about the band page, the rest is all stuff like pictures and music samples. If they have albums that they released maybe some information about them. If they link off to the albums for purchase, make sure the links actually take you to the album. Their current links don't work.

Sounds like your making a mock-up that is a great idea, give them something to discuss and allow them the chance to give you feedback. Goodluck, you got some work ahead of you.
They are hiring me because they wanted a more professional web page. I can easily make a professional-looking page design, but in order for it to really come across as more professional, they need to modify their content quite a bit from what it is now. As you suggested, an "about the band" page would be great, but first I need the content to go on that page...
« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 03:45:54 pm by ZippyDee »
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Offline Madskillz

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Re: Old people and
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2011, 08:49:40 pm »
What I'm saying is that there may not be a lot of content for a full blown site with pages and pages of information. Band sites by nature are minimalistic. The music is what is important and that's what you should showcase more so than words. They have plenty of information on the front page so you could have a good start on the about the band page. They also have member profiles it looks like, you could continue with some of that. Check around some band's sites and you'll see what I'm talking about. Layout and simplicity is pretty important. If the band doesnt have some sort of blog you aren't going to get a lot of writing content. Focus on the layout and show casing their music and their band.

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Re: Old people and
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2011, 09:05:56 pm »
It might also help them if they made a Youtube channel and a Facebook page.  Friends can spread the word, and they can be able to post updates without asking you.  [/just my opinion]
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Re: Old people and
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2011, 01:26:44 am »
To be honest the site isn't as bad as I expected, but that might be because I expected something like this...

Unfortunately, no offense to older people, but in general the ones who are illiterate about technology tends to be narrow-minded/stubborn about it, and no matter how hard you try to explain them some concepts of web design, they'll absolutely want the site to be the way they want. If that's the case, I wish you good luck helping them.

Hopefully things goes well.

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Re: Old people and
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2011, 01:56:22 am »
Oh god my eyes hurt.

And yeah, I agree, technology illiterate people are more prone to request unrealistic features. So good luck :)

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Offline Munchor

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Re: Old people and
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2011, 10:48:32 am »
To be honest the site isn't as bad as I expected, but that might be because I expected something like this...

Unfortunately, no offense to older people, but in general the ones who are illiterate about technology tends to be narrow-minded/stubborn about it, and no matter how hard you try to explain them some concepts of web design, they'll absolutely want the site to be the way they want. If that's the case, I wish you good luck helping them.

Hopefully things goes well.


Good luck ZippyDee!