The East Server works best for me. I hope ZNC gets back up soon!
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.
Hey, no worries alberthrocks, every body makes mistakes, what counts is that you can figure that out and prevent such things in the future
Thanks for the support!
The London and US servers seem to be all equally fast to me, at 2MB/s.
Is there a particular US server location that works best?
Update on Server DowntimeThanks again for the support! If you haven't already, please go
here and test out which location downloads the fastest. Once you have figured it out, post your best location here!.
Regarding ZNC and friends... soon (TM). But seriously, I'm working on the scripts at the moment and once they're done, we're heading to a new undiscovered land!
If you want to know specifics:
- I need to finish up the package backup stuff (not too much left, 80% complete).
- After that, I need to write a semi-restoration script (0%, but shouldn't be too bad).
- Then, I'll need to write the restore script for user data (0%).
- User data backup is pretty much done! Just needs a bit of polish. (Specifically, I need to add arguments and such so I can easily say "backup TestUser!" and it'll do it, rather than edit a variable! :P ) (95%)
Once the scripts are written, the migration will immediately start. During that time, I will be using your emails that you provided in the survey to contact you about the new server details. Due to the attack, we will not be releasing the domain name or IP to access the website publicly. The information will only be given to current users of withgusto. You must use the server we give you to access services - Cloudflare will be sitting on the rest of the withgusto Network, and you will NOT be able to access key services (SSH, ZNC) from there.
Finally - if you guys really want ZNC up ASAP, I can try to get it up on a temporary server. If that's something that you want, please reply to this topic to ask for it! A minimum of 4 ZNC users need to request this in order for this server to be set up. Note that it will be taken down and ZNC will be moved to the new server once things are set up, so you will have a brief period of downtime. (Or not - we may use a graceful migration to make this work.)
That's it for now - please let me know if you guys are interested, and if you have any questions! (Oh, and tell me which server is the fastest!)
EDIT: If your email is incorrect, or you haven't responded to the mandatory survey, click