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The global data freeze is now in effect - you will no longer be able to log in. You can still SFTP data back and forth, but we recommend not changing any data on the server, as it could mess up the data backup and result in your data being lost! (After the data backup is finished, we will NOT copy changes you make to the new server, even when unlocked! It is now YOUR responsibility to make a backup of any changes!)If you REALLY need access to the server, let me know and I'll unlock your account.In the mean time, you can login to your account and see this live status screen!
Did you or albert ever move it, or is the IRCD still in my home dir? Cause I just left it there when I set it up oh so long ago and last time I checked it was still there Probably not the best place to store that I feel though, especially since I don't exactly manage it anymore.