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Glad to see this is being picked up again.
I would like to contribute, but I'm not quite a super-optimizer, so I might not be the best candidate.
Funny coincidence, though. The font in your screenie is identical to the one I made for myself to use with zStart.
Wow, nice! This is looking pretty cool! So this is a program editor?
This is quite an awesome project! It replaces that clunky, rusty TI-Basic editor that I abhor
I would like to help, but I'm not quite well versed in Axe yet. Sure, I can do some fun things in Axe, but what you're looking for is the deeper, murkier parts of Axe, some of which I will touch upon with a project that I'm working on. Once I feel better with them*, I'll probably assist you with XDE Some suggestions (you might have planned for these already):= Searching code
= Line jumping (looks like you'll have that implemented, especially with that enticing line number screenshot! O_O)
= Code minimizing - basically, ability to collapse and expand conditional statements (like If) or loops (For(, While, etc.).
= Code bookmarking - that is, I could "bookmark" a place in the code, and jump to it later. (I'm not talking about exiting and then rerunning the app again and ending up at the same place due to position saving - I'm assuming that's the default!) For instance, if I want to work on a certain part of my super long program, instead of scrolling or saving line numbers on a piece of paper, I could just open a bookmarks pane, find the bookmark labeled "super awesome drawing routine", and press 2nd/Enter to go to it Of course, the user can skip adding a label and just do a virtual line number saving instead.
*murkey = variable writing, archiving things, and just plain getting messy with the filesystem.
Deep Thought: I can't really help with this, my knowledge isn't good enough. However, it's nice to see this is till being worked on and the mockup looks promising.
ooh, sounds fun indeed! i'd like to help out and have about as much axe experience as anyone who isn't runer :pi'm not much of one for z80 asm yet, though, so that might be problematic. what all are you planning to do first?