Author Topic: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators. UPDATE: XDEAD D:  (Read 23155 times)

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XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators. UPDATE: XDEAD D:
« on: April 20, 2011, 07:46:49 pm »
Picked it up again. This time I've learned a couple new things, so I decided to start over again. The new version uses a custom font (sprites), which makes it a lot more versatile in so many different ways. This'll make it a lot easier to do highlighting and gray comments and all that stuff.

This time around, scrolling is one of the first things I've added. Both horizontal and vertical scrolling work perfectly. There is only one mode so far (ALPHA on), but it should be pretty simple to add the others back in.

I'm reusing some parts of the earlier version, including project parsing (which means XDE will recognize subprograms as "sections" of "projects"). Other decisions made include displaying sprites inline with an option to display them as plain text instead, as well as packing a little debugging routine that users can just stick in their programs for an in-program mem viewer and editor.

But the biggest change is that I'm going to try making this a collab project. Anybody interested, just send me a PM ;D


  • Experience in Axe (duh :P).
  • Experience in ASM. Not required, but highly recommended because a lot of the new features involve routines impossible in plain Axe.
  • Ability to understand very optimized code. The final XDE will be crammed into a 1-page app as densely as possible.
  • Ability to create very optimized code. Same reason.
  • Access to link cable/software at least occasionally.

The real screenshot (blank spaces where info and tools will be; see below):

The mockup (sorry, it's not real ... yet :-\):

UPDATE: I've dropped the project. Everyone is free to use the source.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 06:54:39 pm by Deep Thought »

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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2011, 08:16:32 pm »
Glad to see this is being picked up again.

I would like to contribute, but I'm not quite a super-optimizer, so I might not be the best candidate.

Funny coincidence, though. The font in your screenie is identical to the one I made for myself to use with zStart.

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Offline Deep Toaster

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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2011, 08:19:53 pm »
Glad to see this is being picked up again.

Thanks! Now that I pieced together a Contra demo on time, I can work on other projects. This is one of them.

I would like to contribute, but I'm not quite a super-optimizer, so I might not be the best candidate.

Probably, you seem good enough :D

Funny coincidence, though. The font in your screenie is identical to the one I made for myself to use with zStart.

Huh O.o

It's 4x6, btw. Gives me 16 columns (plus one that gets displayed but not edited) to work with and eight rows.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 09:26:30 am by Deep Thought »

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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2011, 11:25:14 pm »
This is quite an awesome project! :D It replaces that clunky, rusty TI-Basic editor that I abhor :P
I would like to help, but I'm not quite well versed in Axe yet. Sure, I can do some fun things in Axe, but what you're looking for is the deeper, murkier parts of Axe, some of which I will touch upon with a project that I'm working on. :) Once I feel better with them*, I'll probably assist you with XDE :D

Some suggestions (you might have planned for these already):
= Searching code
= Line jumping (looks like you'll have that implemented, especially with that enticing line number screenshot! O_O)
= Code minimizing - basically, ability to collapse and expand conditional statements (like If) or loops (For(, While, etc.).
= Code bookmarking - that is, I could "bookmark" a place in the code, and jump to it later. (I'm not talking about exiting and then rerunning the app again and ending up at the same place due to position saving - I'm assuming that's the default!)

For instance, if I want to work on a certain part of my super long program, instead of scrolling or saving line numbers on a piece of paper, I could just open a bookmarks pane, find the bookmark labeled "super awesome drawing routine", and press 2nd/Enter to go to it :) Of course, the user can skip adding a label and just do a virtual line number saving instead.

Good luck! :D

*murkey = variable writing, archiving things, and just plain getting messy with the filesystem. :P
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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2011, 11:33:29 pm »
Wow, nice! This is looking pretty cool! So this is a program editor?

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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2011, 09:28:55 am »
Wow, nice! This is looking pretty cool! So this is a program editor?

Whoops, probably should have linked to this in the first post. This is just a revival of my XDE project. So yep, it's basically going to be a full Axe IDE :)d

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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2011, 11:17:02 am »
Deep Thought: I can't really help with this, my knowledge isn't good enough. However, it's nice to see this is till being worked on and the mockup looks promising.

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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2011, 11:27:46 pm »
This is quite an awesome project! :D It replaces that clunky, rusty TI-Basic editor that I abhor :P

Yeah. Never thought it was possible, but it's worse than Notepad :P

I would like to help, but I'm not quite well versed in Axe yet. Sure, I can do some fun things in Axe, but what you're looking for is the deeper, murkier parts of Axe, some of which I will touch upon with a project that I'm working on. :) Once I feel better with them*, I'll probably assist you with XDE :D

Some suggestions (you might have planned for these already):
= Searching code

Once I can figure a way to do that...

= Line jumping (looks like you'll have that implemented, especially with that enticing line number screenshot! O_O)

Definitely. And jumping to the end of the program. Scrolling down for minutes was something that really annoyed me with the BASIC editor.

But remember that's just a mockup, not a screenshot :-|

= Code minimizing - basically, ability to collapse and expand conditional statements (like If) or loops (For(, While, etc.).

Might get complicated, but seems like it would be really useful. I'll look into it once the editor gets more complete.

= Code bookmarking - that is, I could "bookmark" a place in the code, and jump to it later. (I'm not talking about exiting and then rerunning the app again and ending up at the same place due to position saving - I'm assuming that's the default!)

For instance, if I want to work on a certain part of my super long program, instead of scrolling or saving line numbers on a piece of paper, I could just open a bookmarks pane, find the bookmark labeled "super awesome drawing routine", and press 2nd/Enter to go to it :) Of course, the user can skip adding a label and just do a virtual line number saving instead.

How about jumping to Lbls? I want to make this as seamlessly integrated as possible -- XDE recognizes subprograms as "code sections" of a "project" already, for example.

*murkey = variable writing, archiving things, and just plain getting messy with the filesystem. :P

What's really gonna get murky is making it use the OS's edit buffer, but hacking it so it's not token-based x.x

Deep Thought: I can't really help with this, my knowledge isn't good enough. However, it's nice to see this is till being worked on and the mockup looks promising.

Thanks anyway, Scout :)
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 10:35:18 am by Deep Thought »

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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2011, 11:30:37 pm »
Wow, this sounds really awesome.  Good luck to all involved! ;D

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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2011, 01:49:27 am »
ooh, sounds fun indeed! i'd like to help out and have about as much axe experience as anyone who isn't runer :p
i'm not much of one for z80 asm yet, though, so that might be problematic. what all are you planning to do first?

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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2011, 10:36:20 am »
ooh, sounds fun indeed! i'd like to help out and have about as much axe experience as anyone who isn't runer :p
i'm not much of one for z80 asm yet, though, so that might be problematic. what all are you planning to do first?

Frankly, not sure. There are a lot of different sections that need to be tackled -- highlight engine, tokenizing, edit buffering, integrated sprite editor, autocompletion, text searching (as alberthro mentioned), project management (partially done), and so on. Many of them can be worked on separately, and that's why I'm calling for collab :)

Sometime soon I'll post all the options and have you choose.


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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2011, 11:10:28 am »
Sign me up.  I know axe extremely well, and probably know ASM well enough for this.  Since I'm kinda busy with other things, I can't promise much, but I can write an extremely small sprite editor that supports a few sizes, among many other things ;)

EDIT: and I know a few methods for quick auto completion ;)
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 11:11:29 am by Ashbad »

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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2011, 04:19:20 pm »
I like those screenshots/mockups and the fonts used by the way. I can't help, though. :(


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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2011, 04:35:36 pm »
Nice!  I'm excited to see how this turns out.

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Re: XDREVIVAL! And a call for collaborators.
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2011, 05:12:23 pm »
I have an idea for the edit buffer. Sign me up for that. Btw, what is the max number of lines you'll allow in a file?
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 05:13:05 pm by Binder News »
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